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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dr. Duke Pesta on the Shocking K-12 Common Core Sexual Education Standards

If you have young children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, are an educator, are a therapist, are a religious leader, are an elected official of any party, or care about very young children getting an excellent education in grades K-12, you should take time to listen to the below videos by Dr. Duke Pesta. Dr. Pesta’s discussion is about the indoctrination of students in the Common Core curriculum. Common Core does not encourage students to read the greatest novels in history, it’s not about teaching students to think outside of the box, nor is it about teaching students to excel beyond the capability of their fellow students in their grade, and it is not about mentoring gifted students.

Common Core teaches students it is not fair for some students to highly achieve beyond the ability of their fellow students—it is about teaching students that everyone should achieve equally and collectively together, resulting in that students’ progress in learning at the lowest possible common denominator so no one is left behind. Common Core is the plan by the federal government to take over the control of local school board’s education programs and what is taught in the local schools, it pushes an agenda controlled and tested by the Department of Health Education and Welfare and results in recording specific details on “each student’s” thinking, religious beliefs, patriotic beliefs, and family beliefs, in violation of privacy laws.

Common Core is much more than the new math. For quite some time, I seriously tried to understand the new math without success (my math skills are excellent, I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering, a Master’s Degree in Operation Research, and an MBA in Finance). All my grades in math were always straight “A” as I excelled in math in grammar school, in high school, in college, and in graduate school. Common Core math is the worst thing that has ever happened to the math curriculum in grammar schools in the nation; that terrible debilitating math curriculum has now been in the public schools for 2 years, and parents do not know how to help their children with the new math.



  1. follow the money- much of the funding for common core is Bill Gates and other tech companies. The whole point is to make happy little workers who can follow basic instructions- just a continuation of the point of public schools in general- they are NOT there to make kids be the best humans they can be. They are there to wear kids' souls down, to smack them every time they ask too many questions- to make them into stupid little obedient media consumers. will you hear classical music or see great art in a public school? Will you be told that the hard books should be read because they are hard? No! If you don't pull your children out of public schools this very instant, you don't really love them. Period.

  2. Well said 9:06, this is the continuing socialist agenda to make the kids into good little New World Order robots that hate anything conservative, Christian or of a different opinion than the politically correct views of the ruling elite (as well as intellectually bankrupt).

  3. common core is a new industry that bill gates who funds common core and others can make money on... He even said it in an interview... I may have even seen it on TED TALK...

    Think about it, for them it is a win win...

    they get to make new books and test and papers and such which what? you have to pay for or buy right?

    then you have the aspect that this is below basic math or any skills in the work force and schooling system but will in the end make you a slave because you will not know how to do anything in life...

    Not to mention in common core they teach kids as young as 5 year olds about sex and masturbation... NOW WHY WOULD YOU TEACH SEX ED to someone who is to young to understand SEX ED?

  4. Communism at it's best. Is this what we want our America to become?

  5. Homeschool your kids. Do what it takes to get that done.
    You love them, don't you?
    Invest in them.

  6. and Jeb Bush and Bill Bennett and other's claim this is the best thing since sliced bread. hmmmmmmm. why do you suppose that is?

    we must continue to fight common core with all measures. don't give up.

  7. John B Welles and his Caravan to Midnight Dallas based show has made a podcast on Common Core available on You Tube.

    If you desire a clinical explanation he has a person taking on York County PA schools who can tell you how to lay the groundwork legally to stop this nonsense.


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