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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Sen. Schumer on Hillary E-Mails: ‘That Stuff Isn’t Gonna Matter’

Americans don’t care about Hillary Clinton using a private server for her e-mails as Secretary of State, according to Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)

"I think, ya know, she's already said she wants the emails out. What do Americans care about? Good paying jobs, good country, good family. All that stuff isn't gonna matter."

More here


  1. nah none of this matters just forget about it. vote for Hillary she is so honest

  2. Chuck is basically an idiot as well as a democrat.

  3. what do u expect that loser to say--if it was a Republican.. he would be all over it... He's another lying snitch

  4. Any more i think democrat means idiot.

  5. "it doesn't really matter".

  6. ^^^ That's what she said isn't it 4:01 PM?

  7. Well, Mr. Schumer, besides a good family (Which you...the government...have nothing to do with) there are no jobs and the country is in shambles. How about pulling your head out of your (brain=arse) and retire. I swear, we need term AND age limits for elected officials.

  8. The liberals are realizing that Hillary is their only chance. There is nobody to replace her, period. Certainly not O'Malley.

  9. In February the brilliant Schumer said, "You know," he said, "we have three branches of government. We have a House. We have a Senate. We have a President." So he is a very credible source. Lmao

  10. Boy the spin doctors are out..Schumer you smuck shut your pie hole ..crawl back under your NY rock. Look in the mirror and hang your head in shame for what you have done to NY..

  11. Hay, no one got killed, so "Who cares" as she said about Benghazi.

  12. What difference at this point does it make?!?!

  13. Chuck made sure his emails are with the Rose Law Firm Billing records before he made this statement


  14. Scummy dem laying down cover for another scummy dem. What a surprise!


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