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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

56,023,000: Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force

(CNSNews.com) - A record 56,023,000 women, age 16 years and over, were not in the labor force in February.

Not only was that a record high, but it's also the first time the number has exceeded 56 million, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

To be counted as ‘not in the labor force,’ according to the BLS, one must not have a job or have looked for one in the past four weeks. In January 2015, there were 55,756,000 women not in the labor force, which means that 267,000 women dropped out of the labor force since then.

The labor force participation rate, which is the percentage of those who are participating in the labor force by either having a job or looking for one in the past four weeks, declined in February.



  1. They are in the work force they are raising children in the families. PERIOD.

  2. 421, Great point! When I was raising mine, the difference between my wife working and paying daycare came to about $20 per week, hardly enough "profit" to justify not staying home and raising our own kids.

    On the other hand, I'm sure a large percentage are not employed and have no children at home.

  3. A handful of feminists wanted equal rights. Apparently the rest weren't on board. As a result, low wages for all!!!

  4. What does having a job have to do with feminism? Women joined the workforce during ww2 because the men were away, I would rather stay home but we need the money, there are some good breadwinner men out there but there are also some abusive losers, my greatgrandma had to make living after her husband beat her and ran around on her, she had 5 kids to raise, not all women joined because they wanted equal rights, you cannot blame it all now women 6:51

  5. 6:51 was simply stating a fact not trying to start a counselling forum. This issue has nothing to do with domestic violence mommy!

  6. I don't think bra burning started during ww2. WTH?!!#*$&%#


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