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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Republicans To Senate Dems: Game On!

Republicans are making clear they will do whatever they can to turn Senator Robert Menendez's legal troubles into a campaign liability for Menendez's fellow Democrats, starting with their No. 1 target for 2016: Minority Leader Harry Reid.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee is demanding that Reid pay back campaign contributions Menendez made to the Nevada Democrat during Reid's 2010 campaign. In press release Monday, the group said Reid had in the past returned money from donors who were under indictment.

“Harry Reid’s cardinal rule is if you’ve been indicted by the federal government, then he immediately returns your campaign contributions,” said NRSC spokesman Jahan Wilcox. “With Senator Menendez set to be indicted for corruption, Reid needs to abide by his own policy and dump the money he’s received from his corrupt Democrat colleague.”

The U.S. Justice Department is preparing corruption charges against Menendez, the top Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, a person familiar with the investigation said on March 6. Menendez was the panel's chairman before his party lost control of the Senate in January.

In a news conference on March 6, Menendez denied wrongdoing and said he won’t leave office.



  1. Full court press to ditch Harry - and Nancy....then we need to get rid of a couple of RINOs!

  2. When!!when!!when!!is this moron in the white going to be impeached? maybe now the dumturds will see him for what he is! a communist dictator..this is payback for his disagreement with obummers iran deal

  3. I highly doubt the Republicans will do a damn thing they've already screwed us on the amnesty funding


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