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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Viewer Writes: How Mayors Fix Roads

"These signs and barrels have been in place for a year now. I guess Liarton had better order a couple more truckloads. He'll have the whole town looking like Vinny's front yard".


  1. There are 25 times as many screwed up roads in the County.

  2. Anon 2:16 You got that right!

  3. The "I" Team strikes again. Get to work and fix the streets.

  4. Neighbors on Phillips Ave have been complaining for years trying to get their street repaired.

  5. You people need to pipe down and let them do their job! We have bike lanes in the city, nice signs for bikes in the county! THAT is #progress! Thanks Jim and Rick!


  6. What no shovel ready jobs?

  7. Hey i got idea let the dept of corrections take it over. county already covering your policing and fire. bet junkies would do a better job

  8. just keep in mind if you damage your vehicle on a huge pot hole or rut in the road and they don't fix after notifying them and people continue to damage their vehicles you can file a claim against their insurance company. Once they have knowledge they must fix. Talk to your insurance company.

  9. When Pollitt was in charge the least traveled backroads toward Snow Hill were getting paved while main roads suffered.

  10. Really...Pollitt had a road fixed.
    That's hard to believe. He must of traveled on those roads. Seriously Bet he doesn't drive into any county dumps. You could loose you car in those pot holes. Also I'm sure it would be a big war to get the county
    to pay for any car repair.


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