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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Police Departments Open Up 'Safe Lots' For Craigslist Transactions

The online classified site Craigslist updated its safety page this week, encouraging users to make exchanges at local police stations. Some police departments across the country are already offering up their headquarters as voluntary "safe zones" for Craigslist deals.

Sebastian Rivera likes to ride BMX bikes. And when he's customizing his ride, he says he'll hop onto Craigslist to look for free stuff or to trade bike parts with people in his area.

"It's pretty easy, as long as like I get the person's number or I get their Facebook ... another way to communicate besides Craigslist," Rivera says.

As we talk in downtown Hartford, Conn., Rivera echoes what a lot of people have told me: Be cautious with anonymous online deals — get as much information as you can about the person you're dealing with and always meet in a public place.

Now, the Hartford Police Department is hoping the public's place of choice will be aparking lot right outside its headquarters.



  1. Probably so they can harras you or take your stuff under the guise of and illegal transaction or drug deal...

    Or so they can track you...

  2. lot of scammers on Craig's list, some just try to find out what you have so they can steal it, or just kill you and take it.

  3. So "Escorts" can now do their business in safety, huh?

  4. I had an item for sale & had a call for it but he wanted to meet me at a McDonalds which was close to my residence. I sold it to someone else but were I to go to meet this caller I would have had "company" w/ me

  5. This is where Larry is going to use those 100 new MSP cops.


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