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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Audit: Md Misallocated $28.4 Million For Flawed Health Exchange

Maryland misallocated $28.4 million in federal money for its flawed health care exchange and should pay the money back, according to a federal audit set to be released Friday.

The audit by the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services found that Maryland misallocated costs to federal grants instead of the Medicaid program in 2013 and 2014, failing to use updated estimated enrollment data when it became available.

"The state agency misallocated these costs because it did not have adequate internal controls to ensure the proper allocation costs," the audit said.

In a response included in the audit, the state said it believes it complied with guidance from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.



  1. Another lovely parting gift from the OweMalley administration!

  2. they keep saying it like its business as usual to misplace 24mil, odd no one seems concerned where it went. I distinctly remember 3 md dems campaign budgets totaling that exact amount....

  3. Great job O'Malley and Brown! They can't even do the simplest things right.

    10:01 I seriously doubt that a politician would use tax payer funds for their own agendas... oh wait!


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