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Sunday, March 15, 2015


A sigh of relief took place three weeks ago when the Wicomico County Board of Ed pulled the redistricting plan, however it has now suddenly resurfaced. 

Last Tuesday the Wicomico County Council held a public hearing on the capitol improvement budget, many there decried the effort of Mr Bob Culver to save the Bennett Middle School to use for offices for the Board Of Ed. Some of the County Council made it very clear they were not at all in favor of supporting even exploring the option. It seems as if some council members a have their mind set on not trying to save the taxpayers of Wicomico any money. 

While much was said during the public hearing it is what was revealed much later that night during a work session that should be most alarming to the parents of Pittsville, Willards and Delmar. 


A lot of family's check out a school before they move to an area, it is well known that the Pittsville, Willards and Delmar schools are some of the best in the county or even state for that matter. Due to over staffing the BOE needs more office space a lot more office space. The question was asked of John Fredricksen what was the plan to gain more space for the staffing problem. This is the plan and if this happens you can kiss your nice community schools goodbye. 

The BOE will take either East Salisbury or Wicomico Middle school and use one of these schools for offices, this will displace hundreds of students and cause massive redistricting, the excuse to redistrict then will be an overcrowding issue. Also there will be increased busing needed and many students will be spending more of their day riding the bus. 

If you are a parent in the Delmar school district you have even more to fear. Fredricksen also revealed that the replacement of the Westside School would mean increasing the size of the school from 300 students to 650 students. Now were do you think some of those extra 350 students are going to come from? That's correct the Delmar area. 


As explanned by the Daily Times last week the Wicomico County Council holds the purse strings of the BOE however what Parker did not expose is that the County Council never says no to the BOE. 

Fredricksen and his BOE members aided by a select hand picked group always proclaim there is never enough money. So the council keeps handing it out. Before the council was aided by the most liberal of all spenders Rick Pollitt, now they have a county executive that wants to be more conservative and this does not sit well with some of the liberal tax and spend council members. 

Contact the council members. Go to the county Website or call 410-548-4696. Go to the council meetings and tell them what you told the BOE. Demand that they attend your PTA meetings and let them know as well.



  1. The BOE plan makes absolutely no sense at all. Bennett Middle SHOULD NOT be torn down and the BOE should go there, period. After updates this would be the perfect place for the BOE.

  2. No need to displace that many kids or redistrict - Old Bennett Middle is the place for the BOE. They go all around robinhood's barn to accomplish what can be accomplished very easily and only the BOE would be involved, not hundreds of students.

  3. Save $$$ bob, BOE. can go to bennet middle Done deal Period.

  4. Pull the Deputies out of all the schools right now, and tell the Council to Freddy to hire his own private security if he wants, since he wants to waste our money so badly.

  5. Take one of these schools and turn it into a Central Remedial School and get the kids out of our other schools who are holding everyone else back. Give teachers there a bonus based on student performance, put triple the number of school psychologists and counselors, provide an after school program for everyone, and require parent participation in classrooms and extracurricular activities. Too many students need more guidance, more limit-setting, more learning-based extracurricular activities, and parents need to be participants and resources for the process of their kids' learning.

  6. So Delmar Elementary isn't in the Delmar School District if it falls in this category.Technically it is a Wicomico County school.

  7. Fire Freddy and get a new perpestive!

  8. Is this more about thugs and drugs or white and Black.

  9. ^^^aren't they pretty much the same anyway???

  10. Dear Readers,

    Like many of you, I was dismayed to read this article regarding this situation. I offer the following for consideration:

    1.) I would like to first hear exactly why the BOE (Fredricksen et. al) along with the council members opposed to refurbishing Bennett MS. Specifically, I would like to see data supporting their stance with regard to renovation vs their proposal as simply a cost analysis. I am most certain Mr. Culver is thinking about this as well.

    2.)I would propose renovation of Bennett MS with regards to data and facts from point #1 for the BOE to center itself there.

    3.)In addition to point #2, the additional space could also house the Choices program - This would cut down significantly many issues of time and money as the 'experts' would be on site to serve the students of this county with the most severe issues and could be divided into an elementary and secondary setting in one wing. There would be little impact on bussing (as it is relatively centrally located) and there would be no need that I can see that would support redistricting.

    3.) In addition to the 'experts' noted above, the full resources of the BOE would be on site, including the directors, school psychologists, learning specialists, and special education and with an expansion of full services, many more at risk students could potentially be remediated, allowing for students/staff in the county schools to focus on instruction without the significant distractions of frequently misbehaving students.



  11. The thugs need new kids to sell drugs to, so it is economics. They need to enlarge their customer base, franchise, and distribute more. Economics 101


  13. I remember when they redistricted the schools back in the late 80's, early 90's.....it was HORRIBLE!!

  14. I think that by having a school for remedial education, while a very good idea in my book, would not bode too well with the parents of the kids that had to go there if for nothing other than the child's "self esteem". You have to keep your "special" kid blended in with the general population even if they are disruptive or have issues with authority. I am not referring to children who are handicapped, that is a different issue altogether.

    Just my two cents, I could be wrong.

  15. Bob Culver is being held back by the likes of John Cannon,Matt Holloway, John Hall and Erinie Davis. Why doesn't Wayne Strasberg talk his golfing buddy Cannon to go along with this? The answer is he is not backing Culver he thinks he is still working for Gary Mackis and Rick Pollitt.

  16. Bob we are still backing you do the right thing.

    1. .....and please DO THE RIGHT THING or you won't have my vote again next election time.

  17. Thanks for being this to my attention Joe the DT never would have reported anything like this.Keep up the good work.

  18. A message to the parents of Delmar,Pittsville and Willards you all NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO THIS MATTER.

  19. If the county or BOE need more space, there is plenty of space at the old Comtech building across from Wor-Wic. Use it or lose it!

  20. This article has already made it into the TOP 5 articles of the WEEK. Pay close attention Council and Fredericksen, that says a LOT.

  21. I'd like to hear more about an elected school board. Please make that happen Wicomico County Council!
    The BOE has zero accountability.

  22. As a concerned Delmar parent what can we do? We decided on Delmar, DE so we didn't have to send our kids to private school. My wife and I would have to rethink that if this crap does happen. The level of education for most people in this area is laughable.

  23. Cut the central office staff and they can stay where they are. Many jobs should be part-time at best. Maybe if incompetents weren't retained and others hired to do their jobs for them, tons of money would be found.

  24. Tearing down Bennett Middle makes no sense when it is a clear solution to this redistricting issue. Most of us have chosen Delmar area because of the school's safety and dedication to its students.

  25. Contact your County Council members to get on their asses to fire his!! The CC can't do anything about him, but they control the funding. Freddy and the BOE already can't stand the CC so time to work something out.

  26. Anonymous said...
    The BOE plan makes absolutely no sense at all. Bennett Middle SHOULD NOT be torn down and the BOE should go there, period. After updates this would be the perfect place for the BOE.

    March 9, 2015 at 6:43 AM

    I agree put the BOE in the old BMS before they find a place to lease and the tax payers are stuck with it. They want to lease a place for $1 Million and renovate it for just over $1 Million. That is not for the Central Office staff currently in the building, that is for the staff that is in the portables outside the BOE office. Mark my word they are getting ready to sign a lease for a building then the county council will have to come up with the money to renovate.

  27. Rather than all the uneducated guesses and reasoning's behind tearing down or refurbishing, I found this and have completely changed my mind from tearing down to just refurbishing existing buildings. It's a great read.

  28. One has to wonder if this is the BOE suggesting this? Or is this Bob Culver and the County Council who are trying to rally the support of these communities to stand behind him and his decisions regarding the WCBOE and their buildings. I am not suggesting that Dr. Fredericksen and his crew didn't reconsider the redistricting based solely on the noise that Willards and Pittsville made, but it was pretty obvious to me that they were the loudest. Are these two entities using these residents as pawns to win the battle?

  29. If I may ask, what is wrong with the present Board of Education building? Why do they need to move anywhere? And why would they remodel Bennett Middle for the BOE offices, when they wouldn't do any remodeling all those years for the students there?

  30. 12:52. I'd say Delmar was pretty loud about it too. And I thought the same thing. This would not be a good thing for the County Council members if this is discovered to be the truth. A lot of votes come from those areas.

  31. Just out of curiosity - wouldn't other schooling methods such as online public school be of benefit? ? I understand not all parents can choose this option , but the ones who can will free up space for the ones who cant. With this option not all students will be in the building at the same time. No snow make up days needed.... some areas who Already participate in the public school online option only do certain subjects and not entire grade. Children still receive the benefit of attending physically to a school. And its cheaper then private schooling.

  32. Moving the Choices program into the educational complex from its leased land and leased temporary buildings on the north end of town makes some sense. It's over a mile outside city limits and 99% of its students are from within the city. Of course, it's a "temporary" program and one day it might disappear altogether, but those in need of the special education in a closely monitored setting won't be decreasing in numbers anytime soon.

  33. I really think if they came up with a logical boundary line for Pittsville/Willards, the community would be more open to the idea.

    The line of Phillip Morris, was there to do one thing only. Demographics.

  34. Same reason a LOT of us moved to Pittsville.

  35. In reply to someone from Delmar, I may be wrong but I think this only affects those living in Maryland. If you are in Delmar DE you're safe..I believe...from having to be bussed somewhere else.

  36. Wasn't the big argument for building a new Bennett Middle because the cost to sufficiently upgrade the electrical systems to handle both air conditioning and,the data infrastructure and technology that todays education needs was too costly?...Not too mention the cost of renovating what was once classroom spaces into usable office spaces. I think that most of you aren't thinking this all the way through. You can't change logic mid-stream to suit an agenda.

    1. Finally. Someone with an ounce of sense.

  37. I'm all for the dismantling of the BOE in general. Its nothing more than gov't interfering where it doesn't belong. You get gov't out of the education business and watch the children flourish.

  38. The Wicomico BOE did a disservice to the children of Pittsville and Willards many, many years ago when they closed Pittsville High School and transferred all those students to Parkside. All because a very small handful of Pittsville parents wanted their kids to go to school in the "big city"...and you know who you are. Now they want to shift the younger children too...enough is enough.

  39. 726 and Paladin have hit the mark. And the only adaptation for the classrooms needed are lock down doors and bullet proof glass a/c'd cubicles for the teachers! As a parent, I have visited my kids' classrooms and walked the halls, and believe me, some just plain need to be in a lock down room; maybe 24/7!

  40. Why cant the old Bennett Middle just be the alternative school Choices and Evening High School?

    Closing Wi-Middle is idiotic, you would have 1/2 of Salisbury traveling to West Salisbury for Salisbury Middle or Fruitland to attend Bennett Middle. Keep Wi-Middle open, and renovate the existing schools or replace them. Honestly the schools may be of historic value and could possibly be nationally registered which means more grants/money to renovate and preserve without demolition.

    If people are complaining about the quality of education and concerned about the students, then why close 2 schools and send the youth to another school across town where it will require longer travel, getting up earlier, and having more stress.

  41. 9;10 poster. You are so right and more and more people are seeing that Strasburg has the worst trait anyone can have in business and in life. He doesn't tell the truth. If your word is no good, what's left of your character. ZERO.

  42. People keep talking about the fact that the BOE had studies done and Bennett Middle can't be renovated. Well, the BOE wanted to build a new school. Don't you think it is likely the reports and analysis was skewed to what the BOE wanted. You know that numbers can be made to look anyway you want. You don't think that knowing the BOE wanted to tear the school down didn't sway some of the inspectors to go that route? Come on people. Wake up! Non-bias people need to look at it. I wouldn't trust any report coming from the BOE or anyone they hired to do a report for them. The fix was probably in as the saying goes.

  43. Thank you, Joe, for bringing this to the communities attention. The BOE does not want anyone to know about this. They are hoping to sweep this under the rug just like they do every day. Just so everyone knows, the BOE leases a building every year for the Infants and Toddler program on Northwood Drive. Time to pull it back into a school and treat those individuals like they should be treated. The Coordinator of this program, Patti Adkins, who was promoted to Supervisor without the job being posted or interviewed for, attempts to lead this department without any respect for the individuals that work there. They are servants to her and her elite few that are scared to speak up to her and Bonnie Walston. The BOE could save money by bringing these individuals into a school where they can be treated like part of a school staff and the county can save money by not renting a facility. If the BOE has so much room to spare, then move this department into one of those spaces where they can be better used and serve the needs of the students in various districts of the county. I agree the BOE needs to be housed under one roof. Having various departments in the portable complex behind the board creates factions where "some" tend to lead without the Superintendent knowing what is taking place. If Dr. Frederickson wants to know what is going on, he needs to pull his people in under one roof and begin listening to those people in trenches every day. This would include a closer examination of the Department of Special Education which has been stated on here many times. Parents of students with disabilities need to be paying very close attention to what is going on regarding the services of their children.

  44. Since when are public schools teaching infants and toddlers? That is just another cradle to grave liberal program that provides free babysitting.

  45. If Maryland keeps playing with the Delmar School District because they house the Elementary School...everyone's going to end up being sorry. Delmar School District has long been able to FAR surpass Wicomico County in both balancing the budget and providing superior education to both Maryland AND Delaware students residing in Delmar. Delmar School District could, at any time, pull up roots from that Elementary School and create their own on the Delaware side. Not recognizing Maryland students would only serve to hurt a population of kids that deserve to attend a school in their town. Maryland already attempted to work through the MVA to "not accept" the Delmar driving program because it was "out of state" and therefore force the Delmar students living on the MD side to pay for the private lessons that MD requires. Keep playing...you just may get what you're asking for and a whole lot more--which, in essence, would equate to a WHOLE lot less for the kids of Delmar.

  46. If the problem is truly overcrowding, then rebuilding a Pittsville (or Parsonsburg) High School for the kids east of Salisbury would relieve the pressure on the city schools. All the boo-booing and hand-wringing is "for the children"...of the west side exclusively.

    The "country kids" are mostly "non-troubled youths" whose educational, social and cultural needs are being thrown under the bus. They have the right to receive a quality education not diluted by political and demographic gerrymandering.

    I agree, rehab Bennett as a "magnet school" to provide the type of intensive "services" required by kids who are unable to function within the boundaries of a regular classroom. But do not call it "special education" or "remedial" under any circumstances. A "magnet school" or an "enhanced opportunity" school, anything that sounds superior and more desirable culturally.

    Anything to give ALL kids an undeniable open opportunity to succeed, with no excuses.


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