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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

New Trend: ‘Radically Inclusive’ Churches That Embrace All Religions And All Lifestyles

If you want as many people to attend your church as possible, why limit yourself to just Christians?

If you want as many people to attend your church as possible, why limit yourself to just Christians?

All over America, “radically inclusive” churches that embrace all religions and all lifestyles are starting to pop up.

Church services that incorporate elements of Hinduism, Islam, native American religions and even Wicca are becoming increasingly common. And even if you don’t believe anything at all, that is okay with these churches too.



  1. Yes watered down religion...the devils work..deceive and take as many to hell that he can

  2. This was warned in the bible book of revelation and in John of false prophets and false churches. Jesus warned of false preachers.

  3. Just another way to get money from suckers..

  4. Lets not forget that religion is a business. How many independent small churches exist on the eastern shore? It seems like every time I turn around somebody new is introducing themselves to me as Reverend this, or Minister that. Yeah they probably believe in God and want to spread the word. But its also nice that God wants them driving a new Cadillac every 2 years. Its all about money. Its all it ever was about. ignoring that wont make it untrue.

  5. If they offer more than Christian services, they aren't Christian churches. I'd never expect or encourage a synogogue, tabernacle, mosque, temple, etc. to offer Christian services. It doesn't make any sense.

    But if you want to stand for nothing, it's your right to worship that way, too. Have fun. See you in the afterlife. Maybe.

  6. I love my church and i live my God. Life is good.

  7. Why limit yourself to just Christians? Because my God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a jealous God and He would not be pleased to have other gods being worshiped in His house.

    I agree with you 6:38. I love my Lord Jesus, and life is good.

  8. Anyone have any idea if this is happening worldwide,or is it just here? We sometimes forget that other countries have no obligation to do as we do.


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