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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Military Plane Flying low

Military airplane flying low over my neighborhood. It has been circling for a while now. It's much lower than it looks on the video. Have you heard anything? I'm on the West side. We see fighter jets a lot, but this is a huge plane & very low...


  1. I saw the same thing yesterday around noon. I was headed west on Rt 50 and it was E of the royal farms right outside of the city.
    I could see him circling and then he headed towards salisbury. Huge plane grey with no real markings.
    Every once in a while you would see a puff of exhaust.

  2. Touch and go training at the airport?

  3. practice flights out of dover they are not that low believe it or not the plane is just so stinking big

  4. I saw the same thing with a whole lot of exhaust trailing it,but I saw it the North Point Wal Mart vicinity heading due east.

  5. No he was/is that low.
    And go practice over the ocean and not a highly populated area.

  6. Looks like on of the greatest and most dependable aircraft ever and still produced for over 50 years the lockheed martin c-130

  7. I have seen the plane in my neighborhood in the city limits. Seems almost to hover, then circles. I also hear it at night. It doesn't make the same sound as regular jets, and normal air traffic.
    This plane has been around this area on and off for at least six months and maybe more. I think it is a spy plane picking up signals from phone, wireless, and internet and sending it back to their servers. It was overhead today when I was on the internet and all of a sudden, things I typed went crazy; on different screens, screens I had never seen came up and would not let me leave. Now that I think more about it, it was when I made a comment about Hillary today when I noticed the problem.

    Most of the time, we never know they are listening, we see or hear anything. This plane is different on so many levels. It is highly dangerous to be flying at such a low altitude within neighborhoods. When this bird falls from the sky, half this city will go up in flames with it with no trace of anything left.

  8. It's only a C-130, small in the world of cargo aircraft. He is probably circling to burn up time to be able to let traffic clear, then he will fly into place and land or touch and go himself. FAA requires no less than 1000 feet Above Ground Level over populated areas. He looks about that. And to be west of Salisbury, he is more than likely landing on runway 14. Also, there is restricted area just west of town along a line running roughly about North and south from Eden to Federalsburg.

  9. I wonder (with this government administration) if it is really exhaust. It would be interesting for the person who took this video to be watchful in their neighborhood if anyone starts getting sick or anything unusual dies off (like, birds, wildlife, trees, shrubs, etc.)

  10. civil air patrol? draper getting his revenge?

  11. I saw the same plane flying low as I was coming back from the mall. It was flying very low yesterday right over the houses on Old Ocean City Road around noon.

  12. Anonymous FULL BIRD said...
    Looks like on of the greatest and most dependable aircraft ever and still produced for over 50 years the lockheed martin c-130

    March 14, 2015 at 1:56 PM

    I don't care how great it is. I want to know why is it flying low over our neighborhoods.

  13. Touch and go practive C-130 out of Martin State Airport.

  14. c-130 is just what it is and Touch & Go is what they're doing. It's an exercise that is required of pilots and aircraft. The Wicomico County Airport is one of the sites where it happens. There are hundreds of T&Gs every year there, with differing flight patterns. The federal gov't pays the airport hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to do them there, and it's money that keeps the airport alive.
    The video here shows a plane at about 3000 feet, give or take, or just about a mile up. This is a monster craft, so it looks much closer than it is when it's aloft.

  15. Searching the area for intelligent life.

    1. I'm sure they didn't find much.

    2. 3:29 .......... Blahhh, ha, ha, ha!!
      Reading these comments- soooo true!

  16. This is not a C-130.
    4 engines Versus 2.
    It is a C-160, or a C-27. It's probably a surplus C-27 from the Afghan drawdown.

    2:56 your clueless. 3000 feet? 500 or less. There is no airport on the west side either, therefore, no touch and go's.
    Yes, they do many at the regional airport but that's on the other side of town.

  17. They are using their new gaydar and seemed to have pinpointed your location.

  18. You may own your house and land but not the airspace. Don't look up and you will be fine. These planes do this daily in and around Dover. Never heard of a C-130 crash up there. Go back to watching NASCAR.

  19. Aerial survey work check the roads in the area for large "^" symbols or turf areas for same symbol but a white vinyl material staked to the ground.

  20. You will never be told the truth, about what they are doing, and why they have been doing it for days.

  21. anon..2.45

    I would be much more scared going into salisbury after dark than of that plane in the sky.


  22. C-130 planes use SBY frequently for Touch & Go practice which is landing and taking off without coming to a stop.

    IIRC they are generally Delaware Air Guard planes.

    C-130 is 4 engine turbo-prop (turbine engine driving a propeller). Primarily used for cargo but other uses have developed over time. Great plane. Glad we have them. Live near the airport and consider their presence a plus!

  23. 4:48 is officially the closest.He/she generalized somewhat but they're on the right path.A source of turbulence reported by various air traffic over our area must be isolated & identified.The plane has sensors & is flying low in hopes of finding said source.

  24. Saw one recently with JAPANESE roundels doing touch and go's at Wicomico county airport.

  25. Anyone ever think that could be testing electronics or something that's being made in Salisbury.

  26. They are being flown by Governor Hogan looking for the pot holes that the mayor needs fixing.

  27. They're just getting coordinates on your house for future use. No worries.

  28. This is a C130. They were practicing the tactical arrivals into Salisbury's Airport. They fly relatively low close to the airport (1000 ft or so, which is why they look low. Salisbury is a great area to fly into because it is in a remote area as far as air traffic is concerned.
    I am happy to live in an area that is able to sharpen their skills used when they go overseas to protect us and delivery the beans and bullets to others doing the same. These are some of the most experienced aviators in the military. I can assure you that they have your safety in mind when conducting these operations.

  29. 8:59 AM maybe, but it would have been nice if there had been some type of announcement to advise everyone. It would have caused less stress for everyone.

  30. Jet Noise - The Sound of Freedom. Love them.

    The Salisbury Airport is used for conducting T&G's and ILS approaches by the Armed Forces. The C-130 usually performs the training missions on Wednesdays. Although I have also seen them operating on Fridays to.

  31. Just as a matter of curiosity, I wonder where all that money went that the govt pays to use the airport.

  32. I live near the airport and this happens all the time. Like others have said they are training their touch and go. I have gone to the airport and watched them because the plane are so awesome to see.

    Salisbury is chosen not only because its not overly populated but because we have a fairly long runway that can handle these aircraft.

    I love seeing them fly in our area. We have the best air force in the world and its a great experience to see these aircraft up close.

  33. 3:25PM You are the clueless one! Bennett Airport is on the westside on Naylor Mill Road and there are 2 private strips, one on White Lowe Road and one on Springhill Road.

  34. It was Air Force Three they practice here all the time.


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