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Sunday, March 15, 2015

How Can Jake Day Be The Coordinator - State Government & Community Affairs For Perdue and Be An Elected Official?

Jacob Day



  2. My experience with Jake Day has been positive to my face and a knife in my back. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Not impressed.

  3. Absolutely! I am surprised the ethics commission hasn't taken a position

  4. Frank Perdue or his Dad would have not allowed him to continue

  5. Where is the salisbury ethic committee ? do you damn JOBS.

  6. sure looks like a conflict to me thanks sjd

  7. Last time I checked it wasn't a one man commission!!!! What's the problem?? He has a job and not just dependent on taxpayers!

  8. Jim Mathais was a paid consultant to Royal Plus since before he left the Mayor's office. I guess it's just the Eastern Shore Democratic way.

  9. Anybody remember the big deal letter of endorsement from Jim Perdue in the Daily Times during Day's 2013 election run?

  10. Day's father is the new President of Perdue.

  11. 10:11 - shows you what has happened to Perdue post Frank (rest his soul)!

  12. Having a job is a conflict. I want my elected officials to either be on welfare or disability or to have run a business into the ground!

  13. 1035-Jake is on welfare, corporate welfare. The only reason he got the job is because of Daddy.

  14. Jake is great man doing great things. You people should show him respect and appreciation.

  15. It doesn't look like a conflict, it is a conflict of interest. Ethics Committee??? What say you?
    Jake Day is nothing more than a snake in the grass and more of the same of what we already have.

  16. Still depending on Daddy huh Jake? Try doing something on your own and you fail so you go running back to Daddy. Real good leadership we have here in Salisbury.

  17. Daddys little BOY..

  18. I am STILL pissed that I paid tuition to SU, and Jake was my son's "professor."

  19. what is the conflict i do not see it. what am i missing?

  20. Absolutely.There lies a bold line between a public job and a private job.

  21. I think it's amazing that he can work at the Army, Perdue, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy, and the city of salisbury all at once. What is that? 10 hours per week per job?

  22. Day, Ireton, Stevenson, Mitchell are all turds floating in the same pot. They are only good for swirling around not doing the job they are paid to do, lying to the voting taxpayers, and cheating the taxpayers.

  23. Anonymous said...
    My experience with Jake Day has been positive to my face and a knife in my back. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Not impressed.

    March 13, 2015 at 9:37 AM

    Mine to!!

  24. What Pisses me off is that his dad is the President so Jim Perdue has given him a cushie job to do nothing. So Perdue Farms which is the biggest employer in Salisbury/Wicomico County does business with Salisbury and he has this position. What a conflict of interest. Now any time Perdue wants something from the City the decision is really already made.

    Jim Perdue you are a Piece of Shit just like Jake Day is. Shame on you!!

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anybody remember the big deal letter of endorsement from Jim Perdue in the Daily Times during Day's 2013 election run?

    March 13, 2015 at 10:09 AM

    Yes I do remember that letter of endorsement. Jim Perdue sucks.

  26. Does anyone remember Bill Martin and Associates supporting Jake Day and had that illegal flashing sign supporting Jake Day on East Main Street.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Having a job is a conflict. I want my elected officials to either be on welfare or disability or to have run a business into the ground!

    March 13, 2015 at 10:35 AM

    There is more to it than just having a job as was already posted. Quit being an idiot all your life.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Jake is great man doing great things. You people should show him respect and appreciation.

    March 13, 2015 at 11:17 AM

    Jake Day you are annoying the crap out of me. You should quit posting on hear like you are some caring friend. We all know this is you.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Jake is great man doing great things. You people should show him respect and appreciation.

    March 13, 2015 at 11:17 AM

    Jake was a professor at a state university? I don't think so. My son would have never been in his class. What experience does that clown have teaching! NONE!!

  30. I remember Jake Day worked at the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy and had to drive to the upper every day where he got a dozen tickets.

    Then out of no where he gets a convenient job at Salisbury University doing nothing. Nice of the Democrat machine to make sure he got a cushy job with the state to come and go as he pleases.

    Then out of the blue he is working at Perdue Farms with a newly created position just for him. Prior to that Jim Perdue wrote a nice suck up endorsement for Jake Day and he gets elected. Yes I would say there is some conflict of interest there. Then Jake Day's dad gets promoted to President. Wow, you talk about a good ole boy system in the City of Salisbury. Jim Perdue is just as much a snake in the grass as Jake Day is.

  31. Anonymous said...
    I think it's amazing that he can work at the Army, Perdue, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy, and the city of salisbury all at once. What is that? 10 hours per week per job?

    March 13, 2015 at 2:55 PM

    He hasn't been at the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy for some time now. He left there and got a free state job at SU.

    Funny how the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy employees all these liberal wannabe politicians. Wayne Gilchrest, Jake Day and the Wicomico County Council loser Josh Hastings.

    The ESLC hires nothing but dirtbag slimeball Democrats so they can steal farm land from the farmers.

    Scary isn't it!!

  32. Jake Day is Daddy's little girl...

  33. Jake Day stabbed all the tax payers in the back when the first thing he said he was going to do after he was sworn in was to appoint Rick Hoppes the city's fire chief.

    Jake Day lost all my respect. He won't get my vote.


  34. Jacob is just that special; Jake of all trades; master of none!

  35. easy he got elected


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