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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hillary Can’t Type: Look To Huma’s And Cheryl’s Emails

Don’t expect a gold mine of emails on Hillary’s private account. Why not? Because she doesn’t know how to type. That’s right. She writes everything out in longhand. Really. Anyone who has spent time in meetings with her knows about her endless yellow pads.

So her emails will most likely turn out to be very short and quick. She wouldn’t spend a lot of time pecking out long letters. No way. That’s why the Benghazi Committee needs to also look very closely at the emails on private accounts that Hillary’s closest aides, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, maintained. Anything more than a few lines were most likely written by someone else on her behalf. There’s a reason why Hillary set up and used private emails with them for official business: all the important emails were likely written by her staff. Without access to them, we won’t know what was going on.

The Clintons never used the White House computer for their own work. Hillary even wrote (or copied) her book manuscripts in long hand. Although ghost writer Barbara Fineman was paid $120,000 for writing It Takes A Village, she proudly waved hundreds of hand-written pages on yellow legal pads to pretend she wrote it all herself. She never acknowledged Fineman’s work.



  1. I find this one a little hard to believe. I am about the same age as Mrs. Clinton and I have a Bachelor's Degree from one of the best liberal arts schools in the United States. I, possibly like Hillary, did not take typing in grade school, but I can tell you, I am one self-taught, high speed typist. I find it hard to believe her education did not require numerous lengthy dissertations, and reviews and critiques of court decisions. I guess it is plausible that, being from the elite, she could pay others to type all of them. Additionally, we were there as computers first appeared and then, started to become the norm in offices and dorm rooms. I just can't fathom someone of her education and alleged intellect, relying on someone else to produce her work. But then, she said it, so we know it's true, AND... "What difference does it make now?"

  2. Hasn't she heard about the "DRAGON" computer program? Surely she can talk..


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