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Thursday, March 26, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: French prosecutor: Germanwings co-pilot appeared to want to 'destroy the plane'

The co-pilot of the doomed Germanwings flight appeared to want to 'destroy the plane,' French prosecutor says after reports of pilot locked out of cockpit .



  1. And Obama said when it first happened there was no terrorism affiliated with this,time to impeach.

  2. great, like we ain't got enough to worry about when flying. how many planes now is this that either the pilot crashed it or it's shot down!
    Maybe would be better to take your chances with the iceberg.

  3. They didn't release the name of the pilot.

    Might it be...


    First one to correctly guess the name of the pilot, wins the internet today!

  4. US regs mandate that airliners have a flight attendant on deck whenever one of the officers leave the flight deck for any reason. It is my understanding this doesn't apply to air liners outside the US.

  5. There have been too many "mysterious" plane crashes lately.

  6. Investigators just want to get this over with.The terrain is horrendous where the plane went down & nothing is really jumping out at them.If nothing mechanical is determined,the pilot or co pilot is held accountable,because other than any type of recording or transmission of any kind to prove otherwise that's all they have.There is certainly no one alive to contradict those findings.As far as I'm concerned,the engines were cut off as if someone flicked a switch.

  7. 8:36, "the co-pilot, identified as Andreas Lubitz,..."

    So, I win the internet today, I guess...

  8. 8:36. Co-pilot that crashed the plane identified as Andraes Lubitz. How does this name fit into your list?

  9. Remember...when a Muslim crashes a plane it's terrorism. When a white European does it, it's just an isolated act of a lone crazy person.

  10. Correct 10:51. Muslims crashed planes to make the biggest impact possible (911 for example.) Not just loss of life, but an interruption of systems and services and a large financial impact that reaches far and wide. . That is jihad and terrorism and not just the act of a crazy person as appears to be here.

  11. anytime a plane crashes it's pilot error, every time a plane lands it's a controlled crash!

  12. 11:42

    Ummmmm killing 160 people all at once definitely reaches far and wide.


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