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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Four (Black) Cops Killed in Seven Days — Where’s the Outrage?

Wednesday, March 4: Fulton County police detective Terence Avery Green was killed, shot in the head by a suspect. According to WXIA-TV, Atlanta: “Police responded to a shots fired call early Wednesday. They were told the suspect was possibly intoxicated. Neighbors said the man was going from house to house, banging on doors and firing a long barrel gun. …

“(Fulton County Assistant Police Chief Gary) described the situation as an ambush, saying the officers ‘were trying to do their job, they were trying to protect this neighborhood from someone who was shooting. And they had no other option but to do their job. And the way it appears to me, they were ambushed without warning.’ …

“Green was a veteran officer with nearly 22 years of service. He is survived by his parents and his four sons.”

Thursday, March 5: Officer Robert Wilson III, while on duty and in uniform, walked into a game store to purchase a gift for his son. Two men robbed the store, and shot and killed Officer Wilson. According to CNN: “Wilson was standing at the counter across from employees at the GameStop store when two brothers, Carlton Hipps and Ramone Williams, walked in carrying guns, police said.

“They allegedly stuck up the store with at least five patrons and two employees inside.

“‘They said they thought it was going to be an easy target,’ said police spokesman Capt. James Clark. … Wilson confronted (the suspects), and a firefight broke out, police said.

“The officer, an eight-year veteran, stepped away from others in the store to keep them out of the crossfire, police said after watching the store’s security camera footage.

“He was a hero and a warrior, Clark said. “He fought until the very, very end, firing at both of them.”… Within 30 to 40 seconds, 50 shots fell, he said. …

“Wilson was 30 years old. In addition to his son, he leaves behind a 1-year-old daughter. His son turns 10 on Monday. The game was also going to be a birthday present.”



  1. Two brothers w/ different daddies......guess what

  2. The show white cops to piss of the majority white officers. We are all pawns. The government controls msm. They want pissed of cops to retaliate . they want civil unrest! Stupid cops....your lives do not matter!

  3. The police need to militarize.

    1. Wake up idiot. They have 50 cal. Machine guns on hummers, armored vehicles and tanks. Grenade launchers! People like you are a disgusting reason our country is where its at.


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