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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Credential Crunch For Hillary Press Conference

Hillary Clinton will be holding a press availability today at the United Nations in New York City. But all members of the press won't be able to attend. Only those who requested credentials 24 hours before the event will be credentialed. But word of the event didn't leak out until hours before event.

"It's appearing at the UN, which has a notoriously difficult credentialing process. So there's going to be a restriction on the number of reporters who can come in. You had to apply 24 hours in advance for press passes. So I don't know if it is intentional or not," says MSNBC's Alex Seitz-Wald.



  1. She is CORRUPT and is not president yet.

  2. Sounds like the honeymoon is over.

  3. the UN???? going to hide behind your buddies

  4. Since she is no longer a "diplomat" how come the UN is letting her do a press conference there???

  5. Politicians call it "controlling the message", but in private, among themselves, they call it "controlling the masses".
    Have you sheep been given a max'ed out dose of Valium or something?
    If you've missed it, your "representatives" have passed laws and TOLD YOU (!!) they didn't even know what was in that law!!
    They negotiate TREATIES and tell you that you are not ALLOWED (!??) to know what the treaty says or obligates Americans to do.
    They pass laws that have the nasty putrid smell of totalitarianism by granting the armed authorities the RIGHT to search you without warrant, charge you IN SECRET, give you a SECRET TRIAL(!!), and imprison you in a secret location. In America!!
    You've allowed armed agenst to stop innocent travelers to see IF, MAYBE, POSSIBLY, you COULD be, perhaps, committing a crime. Taken straight from the Nazi handbook on controlling and monitoring citizens.
    You sat idly by as an agency (NSA) which is PROHIBITED from operating in the USA, first says they are NOT monitoring Americans, then finally admits they ARE (illegally) listening to EVERY electronic communication and you cheered as the president said they could not only do it (he makes laws now??), but KEEP all those recordings for 5 years.
    What's it going to take for you people?? Some trains full of people headed to some distant camps? The National guard ordering you (at GUNPOINT!)to leave your house so they can search it (the Boston Bomber scenario). This isn't even 25% of what they've done to our freedoms and our country.
    Sheep go to slaughter.
    Cheer THAT.

  6. I love this guy ...imclain your right on..but im not in the pep squad, but i hear ya. The UN is the source of the problems this country faces. UN is home base of the Biggest mafia and criminals in the world. All Wolfs in sheeps clothing!! Birds of a feather? The UN is protecting their puppet and investment.

  7. When the SHTF, I hope Imclain is somebody I already know and he leads the show.


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