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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: ATF decides not to issue ban on type of bullet

Faced with strong opposition in both houses of Congress, the ATF has decided not to issue a ban on a widely used type of ammunition.

From Fox News


  1. ATF definitely needs to be shut down, remember fast and furious?

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    ATF definitely needs to be shut down, remember fast and furious?

    March 10, 2015 at 2:23 PM

    Anything federal is controlled by Obama. The ATF can be beneficial for our country if done properly.

  3. ATF should be an convenience store instead of a government agency.

  4. 2:27 Your statement is the ultimate oxymoron.

  5. Alcohol, Tabaco, Firearms, Who's Bringing the Chips!

    1. And hookers. Don't forget the hookers.

  6. And the price of .223 just dropped like a rock.

  7. Wait....what about Obama taking your guns? The threat to the 2nd amendment? The outrage was so apparent and now.........

  8. 2:39 5.56 man.

    Everyone should already be stocked up anyway, but they do create a hysteria with their nonsense.

  9. 2:27 i disagree.. one less jack booted thugs agency is better for us all! Your a useful idiot to the mess the they created with welfare, corruption, lies,deceite, and bad drug laws! All to justify its creation and suck up more taxes we cant afford..If the CIA FBI ICE DEA cant stop the nonsense what makes you think your finger in the dike is helping any?

  10. I need 2 more calibers to buy to reach my goal of ???? for each caliber I have and then they can do what they want.


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