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Monday, March 09, 2015

ALERT: Muslim Woman Launches Terrorist Attack at the Miami Airport

Parts of Miami International airport were put on lockdown last week as a Muslim woman apparently attempted to commit an act of jihad by trying to ram her car through the airport’s entrance, but made a huge mistake instead.

The woman, Julissa Magdalena Maradiaga-Iscoa, 33, was out of control and instead of going through the airport’s entrance as intended, she slammed her car into an officer’s patrol car, which quickly prompted guns being drawn on the burqa-clad Muslim woman.



  1. Nutsy illegal from Honduras. Back to Honduras she goes, maybe after staying at a Federal B&B for a few years.

  2. Hang her on the spot.

  3. Keep those borders open and let more of this riff raff in!

    This is what you get.

  4. "guns being drawn on"? Heck, that should have been weapons being discharged on..... Shot dead. If they can shoot unarmed black men that threaten cops, they should have shot her.


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