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Monday, March 09, 2015

Ag Leaders Call On Presidential Hopefuls To Support Clean Energy Future

Prominent leaders from agriculture’s diverse value chain issued an open letter to policymakers and presidential hopefuls attending the first ever Iowa Ag Summit, urging them to consider Iowa’s renewable energy record in wind, solar and biofuels as an example for clean energy policies for the nation. “Iowa farmers have demonstrated they can fuel and feed the planet at the same time,” said Ron Heck, an Iowa soybean and corn producer, a former president of the American Soybean Association and a founder of the 25x’25 Alliance. “We’re number one in biofuels, number three in installed wind capacity, and installed our largest solar farm last year. We are harnessing homegrown energy in a manner that’s good for farmers, the economy and the environment.”

Notable signers to the letter, which urges “every single Iowa Ag Summit speaker to acknowledge the critical role wind, solar and biofuels play in building a strong, vibrant farming future for our nation,” include the 25x’25 Alliance, the American Farm Bureau Federation, the National Farmers Union, the American Council on Renewable Energy, the National Corn Growers Association, the American Soybean Association, the National and Iowa Biodiesel Boards, the American Solar Energy Society, CropLife America, and Windustry.

Iowa ranks near the top in the United States in production of renewable energy.

Biofuels industries have added $13.1 billion to Iowa’s economy, generated $4.1 billion in new household income, and created and supported 62,000 jobs statewide. Overall, Iowa accounts for 30 percent of total U.S. biofuels production.


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