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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

4 Things We Still Don’t Know About Net Neutrality

The FCC voted yesterday to reclassify broadband and protect the open internet. In other words, at long last, we have a net neutrality rule. And that’s great! But there is still a lot we don’t know, and there are a lot of questions left unanswered. Here are the major things we don’t know, and parts we’re waiting to better understand. 


  1. What we do know is this is yet just one more way of government in our lives. It makes all the whiney ass liberals happy.

  2. Once upon a time, in America, some (and I mean just that some) oversight of the predominate communications system was necessary to insure 'universal service'. However, that was in a time when a modicum of ethics reigned in Washington. We should not, today, give that same trust to our gov't. To even the most casual observer it is clear that greed and the thirst for power over the masses is at the heart of any new controls set forth by the gov't.

  3. This initiative came down from Obama, that's all I need to know. This needs to be overturned along with his other communist edicts.


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