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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Was Sandy Hook Used to Bury Obama’s SSN Records?

The real owner of Obama’s STOLEN SSN, Harrison J Bounel, was a patient at Fairfield Hills Psychiatric Hospital in Newtown Connecticut

By “Barry Soetoro, Esq”

Would access to Harrison Bounel’s Death Records prove Obama stole Bounel’s SSN?

After the Sandy Hook “school shooting,” the State of Connecticut made a bizarre move.

CT locked down ALL Death Certificates — for any deaths in the entire State of CT.

Governor Malloy signed three Orwellian bills into law, after they were crammed thru at 2AM, “for the children.”

As a result, CT Death Certificates are NO LONGER public record — you cannot obtain them. Death Certificates have been PUBLIC RECORD for hundreds of years…. but suddenly, NOT ANYMORE.

Was the Sandy Hook “massacre” a ruse to lock down the Death Records of Harrison J Bounel — the real owner of Obama’s STOLEN SSN: #042-68-4425 ?

Harrison J Bounel died at Fairfield State Mental Hospital (circa 1978) in Newtown CT. Where is that location? It’s 1 mile from Sandy Hook Elementary school.



  1. I thought the aliens took that

  2. It all makes sense.obama is a fake and i do not wear a tin hat.

  3. you should probably start wearing one

  4. I think my ALCOA stocks keep going up.

  5. Regardless - he is the worst we have ever had! Even with Jimmy Carter trying to get back on top lately.....

  6. I don't understand the state's logic. Are SS death records also shut down from the public eye? Something very fishy here.

  7. Death certificates are unavailable?

    Most certainly a cover up of the events at Sandy Hook Elementary.
    Don't see the connection to Obamas stolen SS #.
    Although Obama was behind the Sandy Hook show top promote gun control.

  8. Wow. You are a bunch of challenged individuals if you believe this.

    1. You're absolutely correct because I got to keep my health plan just because I liked it. Now I believe everything O Hussein says.

  9. 2:03PM
    Ok, pal, give us some other reason why CT would, at 2AM, shove such a controversial bill through it's GA. They're covering up something and that's a given. Obama, Sandy Hook or whatever they're hiding something, period.

  10. I'm with 6:34.....I'm also waiting for a (believable) reason that death certificates are sealed, by a law pushed through at 2AM.
    Lets hear it, or has obama left something in your mouth that is getting in the way of talking?
    If so, that still wouldn't explain your total lack of knowledge....

  11. Because this didn't happen!!!! Check conneticuts website.


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