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Thursday, February 05, 2015


The Big Picture

random"Routine Vaccinations are probably the worst thing we can do for our animals. They cause all types of illnesses..."
Christina Chambreau, DVM, 'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09 
"I think that vaccinations are the leading killers of dogs and cats in America today."

Mike Kohn DVM 'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09 
random"From one's experience in the medical field you can put one and one together and realize that when we do see ill animals, those Illnesses often occur right after vaccination."
Michael Goldberg, DVM, 'Vets Say Shots May be Deadly' Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun 

Vaccine Schedules... Where's the Science?

"Dr. Jean Dodd, a veterinary hematologist and immunologist in greater Los Angeles says annual vaccines began to be prescribed in the 1950's...Back then, she says, drug companies got together with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and decided without any scientific test to support their position that vaccines should be administered once a year. 'When the public found out, they were horrified' she said. 'That this was never based on any scientific fact'."

'Vets Say Shots May be Deadly' Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun 
random"According to the landmark 1992 study by veterinarians, Dr. Tom Philips and Dr. Ronald Schultz, the practice of giving animals vaccines lacks any scientific validity whatsoever. 'Almost without exception, there's no immunological requirement for annual re-vaccination' they said in their study entitled Canine and Feline Vaccines."
'Vets Say Shots May be Deadly' Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun 
random"Rob Ashburner, a former president of The BC Veterinary Medical Association is more blunt, 'There is no hard scientific evidence To say if vaccines should be given every year or three years or five years or once in a lifetime (or at all?)... no one knows and it's not in the interest of drug companies who billions manufacturing pet vaccines to find out."
Vets Say Shots May be Deadly' Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun 
random"I believe that before we continue to inject foreign substances year after year into our pets which I believe can cause them harm, that we should first make sure they absolutely need it. If they don't, why do it?"
Michael Goldberg, DVM, 'Vets Say Shots May be Deadly' Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun 

Vaccine Induced Disease in Dogs and Cats

Larry Glickman"Our ongoing studies of dogs show that following routine vaccination, there is a significant level of antibodies dogs produce against their own tissues...Some of these antibodies have been shown to target the thyroid gland, the connective tissue such as that found in the valves of the heart, red blood cells, DNA etc."
Larry Glickman, DVM 'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09 
random"The vaccinated but not the non-vaccinated dogs in the Purdue studies developed auto-antibodies to many of their own bio-chemicals including fibronectin, laminin, DNA, albumin, cytochrome C, cardiolipin and collagen."
'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09 
random"Introducing foreign material via subcutaneous or intramuscular injection is extremely upsetting... In response to the violation, there have been increased auto-immune diseases, epilepsy, neoplasia, as well as behavioral problems."
Mike Kohn DVM, 'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09 
Jean Dodds"Many veterinarians trace the present problems with allergic and immunological diseases to the introduction of MLV vaccines."
Jean Dodds DVM, Veterinary Hematologist and Immunologist 
random"Immunization with an attenuated virus cannot prevent distemper. The author has treated many dogs which have developed distemper despite two or three injections of the preventative agent... He is of the opinion that fits, chorea, hysteria etc. in dogs have become more frequent since the use of distemper vaccine. Successful prevention will never be achieved by inoculation."
Dr. J. E. R. McDonagh, Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, Bacteriologist, 1987 
random"When the dog owners who took part in the Canine Health Concerns Survey reported that their dogs developed short attention spans, 73.1% of the dogs did so within three months of a vaccine event. The same percentage of dogs were diagnosed with epilepsy within three months of a shot but usually within days."
'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09 
random"... Canine Health Concerns 1997 study of 4,000 dogs showed a higher number of dogs developing mobility problems shortly after they were vaccinated."
'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09 
random"In August 2003, the Journal of Veterinary Medicine carried an Italian study which showed that dogs also develop vaccine induced cancers at their injection sites."
Dr. Charles E. Loop DVM 
"The American Veterinary Medical Association Feline Sarcoma Task Force initiated several studies to find out why 160,000 cats each year in the U.S.A. developed terminal cancer at their vaccine injection sites. The fact that cats can get vaccine induced cancer is acknowledged by veterinary bodies around the world...What do you imagine was the advice of the AVMA Task Force... 'Carry on vaccinating' ... In America to mitigate the problem, they're vaccinating cats in the tail or leg so that they can amputate when cancer appears... Great advice if it's not your cat..."

'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09 
random"Homeopathic veterinarians and other holistic practioners have maintained for some time that vaccinations do more harm than they provide benefits."
Sr. Charles E. Loops DVM 


  1. So, human vaccinations and now pet vaccinations are harmful. Boy, those drug companies have been making lots of money for all these years.

  2. We have cut back on the dogs vaccination. The vet stated that over the last 10 years she has built enough immunity and no longer needs them and yes they would do more harm than good.

    Rabies, yes.
    Distemper and others, no.

    We also had an issue with Frontline causing seizures and she hated the application, she was telling us all along, it was bad. So no more of that crap either.

  3. Sheesh., big pharm pulling a deceitful scam.., who'd have ever thought that of them?

  4. "Dr. Jean Dodd"

    Must be a cool person like our Councilman.


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