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Friday, February 06, 2015

Vladimir Putin was diagnosed as having Asperger’s syndrome

Vladimir Putin is suffering from Asperger's Syndrome, a study by a Pentagon think-tank has claimed.

The study claimed the Russian President's 'neurological development was significantly interrupted in infancy,' resulting in his Asperger's diagnosis.

In order to come to the conclusion that Putin suffers from an autistic disorder, the think-tank cites work by autism specialists and movement pattern experts.



  1. What's bammy's excuse?

  2. Yea pretty sure this is just cover for our impending arms race with the Russians in Ukraine

  3. Great idea... let's try to embarrass and shame that nut. Brilliant.

  4. Bammy has Ass Burglar's Syndrome! And he still can't keep up with Putin!

  5. Here's the "expert" making a medical diagnosis (from The Atlantic):
    "Brenda L. Connors, a senior fellow in the strategic-research department of the Naval War College, in Newport, Rhode Island, is both a former State Department protocol and political-affairs officer and a onetime soloist with the Erick Hawkins Dance Company. Her field of study is a distinctive one: she is a certified 'movement analyst.'"
    This administration is becoming an embarrassingly bad SNL skit.

  6. WTF do they know. Opinions based on what they've read. Hekk, every kid in America has aspergers so they say.

  7. Anything to try and discredit President Putin. Aspergers is the diagnosis du jour, regurgitated up by "experts" and being spoon fed to parents, so the schools can drug children into submission and then classify the children as learning disabled so they can modify standardized testing and the scores.

  8. 8:39, I changed the font size about 10 minutes ago. If you refresh the page it should be much smaller.

  9. This is the first phase of a coalition.The rest of the world may or may not fall for this diagnosis,but coalitions are the new globally accepted methods of waging war,because they create isolationism,which equates to sanctions.It looks to obvious to actually work,but who knows? Putin and Obama were both voted into office by a majority,or so we are told,so people are definitely not foolproof.

  10. Knowing people with that problem tells me that is very frightening that someone with so much power has this affliction. Very scary.


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