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Friday, February 06, 2015

I-Team probes ADHD debate: To medicate or not?

BALTIMORE —When a 5-year-old boy was called an "insurance liability" and kicked out of day care, an Elkridge family knew it had a problem -- not with the child but with a culture that wanted him medicated.

WBAL-TV 11 News I-Team reporter Deborah Weiner was called in to take a look at the issue.

Connor Deshesky is a 5-year-old boy on the go. He's also been through seven day care programs in his short life. In three of those cases, he was either asked to leave or, as his mother said, evicted.

"They make the call that they can terminate at any time, and that's what they end up doing," mom Katie Deshesky said.



  1. By getting the junk food/sugar out of their diet and by adding vitamin B3 (niacinamide) in sufficient quantity, many of these children have calmed right down and become quite normal.
    No drugs needed. It works!

  2. ...Niacin does not cure, nor improve ADHD symptoms. It is good for your cardiovascular system, but it isn't a miracle vitamin.

  3. Maybe Connor wants his Mom and not a bunch of non caring strangers to raise him. Ever think of that, Mom?

  4. If kids and the teacher aren't safe in a classroom when a student launches into an aggressive outburst, the issue should be protecting the innocent. It never is.

  5. maybe they should spend more money on diagnosing it correctly instead of labeling 20% of the kids that they say are having learning issues

  6. 6:53-
    The NIACINAMIDE form of B3 has been used extensively and has been very effective when used in sufficient quantity (therapeutic dose).
    ADHD and other similar disorders involve problems with neurotransmitters.. proper nutrient availability and balance provides the body with what it needs to correct the problems.
    Dr. Abram Hoffer, Dr William Klenner and others have studied this extensively over the past 60-70 years and have had amazing success at correcting conditions even as severe as schizophrenia and psychoses.
    Your statement that "Niacin does not cure, nor improve ADHD symptoms" is not accurate.
    Some careful research will demonstrate that.

  7. 1026-Actually, you're pinning your hopes on "doctors" that operate on the fringe. Anybody can find such example. That being said, none of what you posted is true. I implore you to post some evidence or research. Truth is, you can't.

  8. Google it.
    The facts speak for themselves.
    Start with 'Orthomolecular medicine' and ADHD

    Over and out.

  9. Found this while pulling up my article for a friend. To Steve, did it ever occur to you that mom has to work to help pay the bills? Not all of us have the option to be stay at home moms. Just some food for thought.

    Conners Mom


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