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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Union Mob Protests At Scott Walker's Parents' House

That unions hate Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is well known. They campaigned against him in 2010 and 2014 and led a recall election against him in 2012. They lost all three times.

But their anger has not subsided. And with Walker eyeing a possible 2016 bid for the White House, union leadership’s anger has only grown.

After storming the Wisconsin State House and countless events featuring Governor Walker, the angry mob of union protesters employed a new tactic — protesting outside the home of the governor’s parents.

On President’s Day, union protesters stormed the sleepy neighborhood where Pat and Llewellyn Walker live, waving signs and yelling anti-Walker chants.

More on this..


  1. Set off a STINK BOMB near them...

  2. Good reason to Elect him President.

    Hey, and he's a Citizen!

  3. Perfect example of "you caint fis stooped" Ignorance abounds!

  4. I heard Mrs. Walker the elder baked chocolate chip cookies and handed them out. Talk about being classy. Whoa!

    Oh and her hubby, well he just turned down his hearing aid. lol

  5. The Maryland teachers union illegally broke into the local teachers association office because they had talked about breaking away from the state union thugs. These are not nice people and they only care about money and political gains.

    1. You are so right but teachers are too dumb to see the truth about their precious Union. Keep handing over your $600 every year stupid teachers!

  6. I thought family was off limits.

  7. That means Walker is doing a great job! what he was elected for.
    i am sorry for his parents. hopefully that can be stopped in court.
    Hogan....take notice!

  8. Time for water cannons.

  9. That is just wrong.


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