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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Closings & Delays For Thursday February 19th

Wicomico County Schools -Thu Feb 19, Schools will be closed today. Central and 12-month school office staff 2 hour delay

Delmar School District - Closed Thursday Feb 19

Talbot County Public Schools will open 90 minutes late on Thursday, February 19th 

Accomack County Schools - There will be no school tomorrow. 12 month employees report or have option to use leave if conditions are bad in their area. Twelve-month staff on a two hour delay

Somerset County Schools closed tomorrow 2/19. 

Dorchester County Public Schools - 2 hour delay Thursday. No AM pre-K.

Faith Baptist School - Closed


  1. why haven't any back roads been plowed?

  2. Wow! Is Dr. Freddy's butt still hurting from the spanking he got on Bus Crash Day, or is this revenge on the parents who voted school to start after Labor Day?

  3. Let's see now Mr. Fredericksen and County Residents, at this point your kids would have been in school till the 4th of July if Fredericksen had his way. Are you feeling me now?

  4. Everyone has an opinion, rightfully so, I would not be sending my kids tomorrow regardless. As a single parent, widow, you might consider the temperatures at 6:15 a.m.

  5. I traveled quite a few back roads on the East side of Salisbury...the worst road was my driveway! All other roads were cleared and dry.

  6. Right, Joe! He's going to call every snow day he can this year just to use it against the labor day voters later on! Mark these days on your calendars, folks, and document the lack of snow removal/salting that happened today. Record the temperature and take the photos! Liarton himself said salt is ineffective below 20 degrees, yet it was 35 today! Guess who's a Dr. Freddy suck up?

    There's absolutely no danged reason for this political crap to endanger the lives in the county and City.

  7. With wind chill factors and weather predictions for tonight and tomorrow (both posted on SBYNews) Wicomico County has made a right decision to protect our children, bus drivers and teachers. I expect you will soon be reading of other counties following suit. When you see Delaware School Districts listed, Dr Freddy did not make the decision for those Districts.

    4:45 PM - can't plow ice
    4:47 PM - no Mother Nature is the cause

  8. I'm glad the kids don't have school tomorrow. Back roads are bad and everything will one over tonight.

  9. Maybe roads are good on the east side of Wicomico but I challenge you to travel on the back roads of the West side of Wicomico. All you have to do is drive Riggin Road, Porter Mill and Athol Road. Those three are still completely covered. I can't imagine how it is down in Nanticoke or Tyaskin.

  10. 550-I grew up way down on Nanticoke road. Drove down to Roaring Pt. and Cove Rd to take some pictures, but the drive was fine today. Simply put, I was surprised school was canceled today(2/18), there's no reason for it to be canceled tomorrow. The idea that it isn't safe is ludicrous.

  11. Joe -- this is ridiculous. No wonder every kid today expects the government to coddle him/her.

  12. Packed snow makes a fine road all over the country! Go out and look. Life goes on every day for those in the mountains as well. You just have to use your brain while driving them, and know the limitations, is all.

    We all know you can't fix stupid, but did you all have to join?

  13. FYI. The BOE wants to start before Labor Day but the governor will have the final decision. Based upon his hints, he will cave to Mathias and require all districts to start after Labor Day. Won't be able to blame Fredericksen.

  14. All decisions benefit the least able students who need all the instruction they can get before spring testing. Therefore, all students need to go back early to accommodate them. We have Common Core because some groups couldn't pass basic NCLB tests.

  15. Turn heat down to 50. Skip the shoveling and plowing.
    Save $$.
    Lose a few "professional " days.

  16. I don't know what the big deal is about Labor Day. With the exception of maybe 6 kids who work in family businesses, O.C. employers only hire eastern Europians and Russians, no local high school kids work anymore.

  17. 5:32-I routinely plow ice year round.

  18. Me too, 745, tonight is with Bourbon and Coke!

  19. Fredericksen is from Minnesota but cancels school two days after six (or so) inches of snow?

  20. Stop driving CARS and it will not SNOW for Obama-Sake...

  21. Shouldn't you guys be glad the kids don't have to be indoctrinated by common core? Your thoughts and not mine, but seriously I am starting to think that some so called conservatives just like to hear themselves complain. Many kids do not have to walk in sub zero conditions on ice and snowy sidewalks up to a mile tomorrow. Sounds like a good call. Arge , but the evil government is out to get us......stupid government, heavy sarcasm.

  22. Laurel is on a 2 hr delay but our back roads were plowed by 3pm on Tuesday. Salisbury was looking rough today if you were off the main road.

  23. Thu Feb 19, Schools will be closed today. Central and 12-month school office staff 2 hour delay

    Today? Today is February 18th? WTH is Freddy talking about?

  24. Thu Feb 19, Schools will be closed today. Central and 12-month school office staff 2 hour delay

    Since there was a 2 hour delay today and one tomorrow for school employees who is going to pay for those hours. You multiply 2 hours times 1400 or so employees that is a lot of man hours. I work for the board and I'm not going ot complain to much, but that is a lot of free hours that tax payers are paying for. We don't have to use our vacation time on snow days either. So far that is 1 snow day plus 4 hours. Do the math and find out how much Dr. Freddy has raped the tax payers. Employees don't have to use their own time on these snow, ice and fog delays.

  25. Well I went to the mall today and it was packed. I wonder how the kiddo's got there if the roads were not that passable.

  26. Anonymous said...
    With wind chill factors and weather predictions for tonight and tomorrow (both posted on SBYNews) Wicomico County has made a right decision to protect our children, bus drivers and teachers. I expect you will soon be reading of other counties following suit. When you see Delaware School Districts listed, Dr Freddy did not make the decision for those Districts.

    4:45 PM - can't plow ice
    4:47 PM - no Mother Nature is the cause

    February 18, 2015 at 5:32 PM

    LMAO. You know this has got to be a school employee. Possibly John Fredericksen himself. I guess the "other schools will follow suit." All surrounding schools confer and follow suit.

    When the Hell are you people going to get rid of that dirt ball.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Maybe roads are good on the east side of Wicomico but I challenge you to travel on the back roads of the West side of Wicomico. All you have to do is drive Riggin Road, Porter Mill and Athol Road. Those three are still completely covered. I can't imagine how it is down in Nanticoke or Tyaskin.

    February 18, 2015 at 5:50 PM

    They are not completely covered. I drive those roads every day. You must be a school employee trolling this blog.

  28. I road by Parkside HS, Bennett HS and Bennett Middle School yesterday at 4:30 PM and the driveways and parking lots were never even touched and they had all day yesterday to clear them out. Ironically I saw a small dump truck with a snow plow on the front driving on College Avenue in front of BMS. This is nothing but a scam. They had all day yesterday to clear the school and they could have contracted people to clear them as well. This is just a plan on the part of John Fredericksen and the School Board.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm glad the kids don't have school tomorrow. Back roads are bad and everything will one over tonight.

    February 18, 2015 at 5:50 PM


  30. Anonymous said...
    FYI. The BOE wants to start before Labor Day but the governor will have the final decision. Based upon his hints, he will cave to Mathias and require all districts to start after Labor Day. Won't be able to blame Fredericksen.

    February 18, 2015 at 6:55 PM

    You're a F"n Idiot!! Jim Mathias has nothing to do with this. This is the plan of Peter Franchot.

  31. Anonymous said...
    I don't know what the big deal is about Labor Day. With the exception of maybe 6 kids who work in family businesses, O.C. employers only hire eastern Europians and Russians, no local high school kids work anymore.

    February 18, 2015 at 7:21 PM

    Another stupid moron. The only reason the businesses in Ocean City hire the foreigners is because they can work before Memorial Day and after Labor Day. High School kids on the Eastern Shore can't get out of school till nearly July and then they have to go back to school the 3rd week of August. When I was a kid we all worked in Ocean City to save money for college. The kids around here don't do that anymore for the reasons stated above. The businesses in Ocean City need consistency. We need to go back to ending schools before labor day and start post labor day the Tuesday after the holiday. If Fredericksen doesn't like that then I say get rid of his a$$. Get rid of the professional days during the school year. There is no need to have them during the school year. All it is, is a negotiated day off for the teachers and they want them during the school year. Not bad since they get most of the Summer off. Take the PD's during the Summer.

  32. Have to admit that the city streets are in horrible condition. The county roads are in much better shape than right here in the city. What goes? I have lived here for over 30 years and can't believe with only seven inches of snow that schools close down for the week. I grew up in the north and even with a foot (or more) of snow on the ground, we went to school regardless.But really, it looks as though the city did nothing with any of the side streets.

  33. Anonymous said...
    All decisions benefit the least able students who need all the instruction they can get before spring testing. Therefore, all students need to go back early to accommodate them. We have Common Core because some groups couldn't pass basic NCLB tests.

    February 18, 2015 at 7:04 PM

    WTF are you talking about? What does this have to do with snow days?

  34. Anonymous said...
    Fredericksen is from Minnesota but cancels school two days after six (or so) inches of snow?

    February 18, 2015 at 9:28 PM

    School was canceled on Tuesday, today and tomorrow. That makes 3 days in my book.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Everyone has an opinion, rightfully so, I would not be sending my kids tomorrow regardless. As a single parent, widow, you might consider the temperatures at 6:15 a.m.

    February 18, 2015 at 5:19 PM

    You make absolutely no sense and make no justification why schools should be cancelled or why kids should stay home. What about the parents who have to find sitters or have to take off 5 days in a row because of a holiday, professional day and 3 snow days. What about those parent that can't afford to take off. All these delays are costing someone a lot of money and it's not fair.

    1. If you couldn't afford the cost of daycare for your children you shouldn't have had them. Just another example of a parent relying on boe to raise your child/children. You would be the first one complaining if your child fell on ice, hit by bus, accident on bus, etc., unless your child is to good to ride a bus.

  36. 6:55. You keep thinking that but look deeper. Jimmy Mathias is supporting this and pushing just as hard as Franchot. All he cares about is $$$ for OC. If you think otherwise, you are a moron.

    Politics need to stay in Annapolis and out of local decision making.

  37. I think they should just remain closed for.the rest of.the week. Only makes sense.

  38. I think 7:04 was referring to the comments that school was being canceled needlessly to make it appear that starting after Labor Day would be bad in years with lots of snow days. Wicomico will never start after Labor Day but snow days are not the reason.

  39. So, now Friday will be cancelled as well because there's no need to heat up the buildings for just a one day a week class... you watch!

  40. FYI Helped one car out of a ditch this morning and saw another slide into the field on Robin's Avenue. Please drive carefully as what may appear clear is more than likely Black Ice.

  41. 1135pm....how about we send the kids to school on icy roads anyway because to you working is more important than your kids safety. Then theres a horrible accident because buses are running in the dark on snowy icy roads. Then...next thing you know you will be on here complaining how you have one or two less kids now. Maybe then you will understand why you don't run buses on ice.

  42. People are acting like if they drove today their cars would explode.

    Snow sucks but is not dangerous to drive on. Ice sucks but if we had a government that did what it was supposed to they could limit the risk. You could limit the risk even further by driving slower. That means it will take you much longer to get to work or school. Its called a trade off. How important is your child's education and how important is it to you to show up to work and prove that you should still be employed?

    Life is not free or easy despite what Obama would have you believe. Take some responsibility for your life and stop bitching about everything that doesn't go your way. Instead plan ahead so that things DO go your way.

    I own my own business which I showed up to every day this week. My children are in private school and went to school every day but Tuesday. Had they been open they would have been there Tuesday as well. My business and my child's education are more important than your pathetic excuses for not going to work or school. Its called doing what it takes to be successful in life. Some people have what it takes and can pass it along to their children. Others just stand there with their hand out. Still bitchin. And that is what their children will learn.

  43. Are you trying to say that everyone that sends their child to public school doesn't "have what it takes". I completely agree that our local government needs do a much better job of getting roads to safe conditions. However, since they suck at their job and have no clue how to use salt apparently, to suggest we sends kids on buses and treks to bus stops on icy roads (because side and back roads are now sheets of ice) is completely asinine.

  44. Winners don't make excuses for failing. They give reasons why they won. Its called perseverance.


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