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Friday, February 13, 2015

Unexpected End to Texas Car Chase Stuns Newscasters: ‘Something I Don’t Think I’ve Ever Seen Before’

A high-speed police chase in Texas came to a dramatic end when two citizens ripped the driver from his car and slammed him on the pavement after the man crashed into their vehicle while attempting to evade authorities.

The individual, driving a Dodge Challenger, was being pursued by Dallas police for his alleged role in a robbery when he rammed his car into a van.

The driver of the van then quickly exited the vehicle and, with the help of the passenger, ripped the suspect from his vehicle, throwing him on the pavement. The man was detained until police showed up moments later.


Editors Note: We will have an update to this story at 4:30pm. 


  1. Lol......if the cops had slammed the suspect on the ground many of you roadside attorneys would have been all over them for it. Then superstar Luke would be trying to file a lawsuit on behalf of the poor victim driver of the suspect vehicle.....lol

  2. What was the kid that was in the van doing, getting out of the van then starts laying on the median acting like he's hurt, but keeps getting up and down.


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