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Friday, February 13, 2015

How much education spending does your state use on teachers?

Of every state in the nation, New York spends the highest portion of education spending on instruction, according to data from the National Center for Education Statistics. Nearly 70 percent of New York’s education funding goes to instruction, representing $13,459 per pupil.

Arizona spends the lowest portion of education funding on teachers, with just 55 percent of funding going to instruction.

Idaho spends the least on instruction per pupil, with $3,996 going toward instruction. But 60 percent of Idaho’s education funding goes to instruction, 20th highest in the nation.

Nationwide, states spend about $6,500 on instruction, almost 61 percent of total education spending.

In California, $5,606 per pupil is spent on instruction, 60 percent of total education spending.

Every state in the Northeast is in the highest half of states when it comes to using education funding on instruction. States on the lower end of the spectrum were fairly scattered across the country.



  1. Arizona pays the least and has the worst education in the country.....go figure! You usually get what you pay for in this life.

  2. Maryland has been #1 in education for years. Why wouldn't we pay our teacher for getting those kinds of results

  3. Lets start taxing corporatons and use the money for education. No reason why Major Oil companies pay no taxes

  4. You can spend an enormous amount on teachers , but , what results do we get ? The learning process is the real issue.


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