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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Today's Survey Question 2-11-15

Should Brian Williams be fired?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Doesn't matter, they all lie

D. I don't watch the lame stream media


  1. A, yes he should be fired. So should the president of the United States.

  2. D - but also A, he should be fired. For those that do watch the lame stream media, how could they ever believe anything he ever reported again.

  3. Yes. I'm sure they all lie, but his actions speak louder than words.

  4. Yes, he most definitely should be fired!

  5. The US has been destroyed from within, so who cares about truth anymore!

  6. 8:51 Not completely, I care, get up off your butt and help do something, there is a local Tea Party meeting tomorrow night.

  7. I heard when he comes back after his suspension he has to accept a position where telling the truth is not a job requirement. They told him he can be a meteorologist or the president of the United States!

    YES. He should absolutely be fired.

  8. Yes he should be.

    And I hope people are truly paying attention. First it was Dan Rather and now Brian Williams.
    BOTH flaming liberals and they criticize FOX news? Are you kidding?

  9. For making everyone actually think he should be promoted.

  10. Yes. Because I will NEVER trust him again. The words coming out of his mouth may NOT be the truth.

  11. I'm wondering if NBC's ratings were so bad they suckered him in to falsely reporting things to try to improve ratings. And he was dumb enough to go along with it, knowing he would get the new contract worth millions. I'd like to see the real truth come out on this. His career in broadcasting is over regardless.

  12. A- He has lost the trust of the people. No one did this to him, by lying, he did himself in.

  13. Who trust the media anyhow?


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