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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Today's Survey Question 1-26-15

Have you, or someone you know, been a victim of crime, (any crime) in the City of Salisbury? If so, please describe the crime. 


  1. home invasion, street assault.

  2. Robbery, gov't steals from me every week.

  3. Violent assault - attempted strangulation. Church street area.

  4. In 2007 I was shot in my backyard feeding the dog. I lived on N. Division, It was a robbery attempt, but since I was in my Pajamas, I had no money on me. The black kid was mad I had no money, so he shot me instead. Tracking dogs were brought in, but lost him on church street.

  5. Kids stole bikes out of my fenced in back yard this past summer.

  6. This should be a long post.

  7. Sure. Every time I pay My property taxes!

  8. Armed robbery, walking home from work, Truitt Street.

  9. -Upon moving in the first week someone turned our out door hose on and it ran for a while
    -A person very high was yelling at me through an open window and tried to climb in I at least broke several fingers as he fell down and left, police never found a trace of him
    -As the rental next door had a porch full of people, who saw or heard nothing I had three bullets enter my house and I replaced a window pane that was two days old
    -Last go round was my new car parked in the drive way with the window left slightly opened, some time in the night the two month old car had our hose put inside it ending up on the dash board and the car was flooded. Even with gap insurance I still ended up making car payments for over a year on a car that was totaled.
    While I see the water as being a possible bad drunk joke I still have a dislike for who ever may have done this.
    A security system later, police that actually drive by and outside lighting I have no problems but then again I won't leave any possible way of doing stuff available

  10. Everytime we walk outside we put ourselves in danger...This city is becoming a bad area...Such a shame..and until the law does something about it instead of slapping these thugs on the hand nothing will change. It will only get worse...Wake up Salisbury officials and protect ALL of us from crimes..Its your duty

  11. Yes. The next house next door to us, has college students. One came home drunk and we caught him in our furnace room. He'd torn up several parts from falling he was so drunk. He was arrested for trespassing (we had a no trespassing sign up), and destruction of property.
    There's a huge problem, drunk students in residential neighborhoods.

  12. I was mugged once. They got my WaWa sub and my glasses (they hit me on the head and grabbed them).

    Somebody littered on my lawn. I wasn't happy to find a water bottle with a crack pipe inside. I'm sure they ditched it while being pursued by the police.

    A person of authority used their influence to have an accident determined as No Fault in the investigation, to protect a family member. That family member made an illegal maneuver at an intersection and rear ended me. Should have been really obvious who was at fault on that one.

    I was also acoustically assaulted by a contractor trying to strip a roof at 5am.

    If you stay out of the ghetto, the town really isn't that bad.


  14. Lived in Newtown. Thieves broke in a window and stole the TV and the VCR player and our VCR tapes

  15. Agree with 12:29, according to the local assesment my house value went down 35% but my taxes stayed the same! I would call that robbery.

  16. but don't worry all those police officers are just waiting to show up and take a report! of course you are still screwed!

  17. Home broke into 2005 vandals never caught. Tore house up in the process broke everything they could and stole over $1000.00 worth in money and valuables.

  18. Yes,tires slashed in my driveway.

  19. 2 B&Es with theft of computers, petty cash, TV, stereo, power tools.
    3 thefts (2 bikes, one lawnmower).
    4 episodes of vandalism.

    In the Camden neighborhood for 20 years.

  20. Having to listen to Democrats who support Obama

  21. Joe, this is a good post but what would make it better is if people posted the type of crime and date/case number so we can look back and see what spd recoded it as for ucr. With enough responses I bet people would be surprised and how much spd cooks the books.

  22. i shiver with fear every dark morning and evening i have to drive thru there hoping i will not break down.

  23. Home broken into. Car broken into twice with 2 police cars across the street who lived there. They have since left. Home almost broke into another time. Same thugs broke into several houses around me with the resident home. Son's bike stolen out of the yard. This is in Salisbury and most of them never reported. I could go on and on.

  24. Each and every day, the government has their hand in my pocket stealing money out of my wallet.

  25. I got robbed by the city of Salisbury.Iwent to pay my property several months ago and parked in the small parking by the rear door. The parking meters only take quarters and only give you 30 min.there were a bunch of people ahead of me and I was more than 30min. when I got back to my vehicle I had a 10$ ticket.I am sure the city does this on pourpse.


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