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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Body Cam Captures Oklahoma Police Officer Fatally Shooting An Armed Man Outside Of Church Wedding


  1. So if a suspect is running AWAY, and poses no imminent threat, he or she can be executed? Is this correct? Lawyers or cops please weigh in

  2. Subject turned with a loaded fire arm. If the officer feared for his life or a member of the public then yes deadly force is legal. It is not our eye or take on the situation but that of the officer. The law is the law color does not play a role here.

  3. wow you are funny 9:41. excellent job officer!

  4. Keep up the good thug control.

  5. Need more of this in Salisbury then crap will not happen at the mall.

  6. Great work and judgement by the officer and the camera documents his actions.
    Another thug bites the dust...

  7. Had he kept running he would have been fine, but he turned around to pick up the loaded gun that he dropped and picked it up while facing the officer. Fatal mistake, officer justified.

  8. 9:41 - I would think that if a cop waited for the bad guy to shoot first, he/she has already lost the battle....just saying

  9. One less Obama Democrat Voter

  10. Dag Shorty U tellin like it isJanuary 26, 2015 at 4:48 PM

    I would have used my 10 Gauge Shot gun on the Homey...

  11. Anonymous said...
    One less Obama Democrat Voter

    January 26, 2015 at 4:46 PM

    But millions more with the open boarders.

  12. Turn your GD siren off idiots. I can not stand over excited cops that jump out of their cars without turning their sirens off. That itself creates more tension than is needed.


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