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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Terrorists already hit U.S. via 'refugee' program

Amid concerns potential terrorists can take advantage of the U.S. refugee quota for Syrians, it may be instructive to recall the family of Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the brothers who carried out the Boston Marathon bombing, were granted political asylum in the U.S. under a similar program.

WND reported last week a senior FBI official has admitted the U.S. is finding it virtually impossible to screen out terrorists that could be hiding among the thousands of Syrian “refugees” heading soon to American cities through the State Department’s refugee-resettlement program.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his parents came in April 2002 to the U.S. on a 90-day tourist visa and applied for political asylum, citing fears of persecution due to the father’s ties to Chechnya.


  1. Just like when you give food to a dog and then it attacks you when you get near the food that YOU JUST GAVE IT.Countries that treat these people like crap have no problem with them whatsoever.

  2. The family received "political" asylum from Russia. They claimed persecution by the Russian Government.
    Well, they were "persecuted" for being ISLAMIC TERRORISTS!
    They should have been "persecuted" here before they killed and maimed American citizens in the name of ISLAM.


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