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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Closings & Delays For Friday 2-20-15

Wicomico Schools will be closed on Friday, February 20th. School buildings and grounds are ready for students to return, but many secondary roads in the county and city are not. We are also concerned about having students walking or waiting outside in temperatures below zero. The safety of our students is our top priority. We’ll see everyone on Monday

Delmar School District - Closed Friday February 20th 

Somerset County Schools - Closed Friday

Laurel School District -Closed Friday

Seaford School District - Closed Friday 

Dorchester County Schools - DCPS are closed on Friday, Feb. 20th.

Worcester County Schools will be closed tomorrow. 

Additional Delaware School closing can be found Here


  1. Will someone please fire that son of a B!tch John Fredericksen. There is no need for any schools to be closed tomorrow. The Salisbury School and Salisbury Christian School was open today and they are open tomorrow.

    1. You want him fired, call him and fire him. I on the other hand think he has made the right decisions this week. Driving (only a short distance) to work this week leaves my nerve in a frazzle. Fortunately grandparents live close to look after the kids - who attend three different schools.

      If the public schools are detrimental to your schedule you could enroll them in either Salisbury School or Salisbury,

    2. And parents take their children, not buses!

  2. A lot of the roads, even Route 50, 13, etc. have really bad spots due to blowing snow.

  3. Bridgeville accident a short time ago, involving 3 school buses - and they had less snow then us here in Wicomico. Everyone please pray all are ok.

  4. My husband saw 3 accidents on way home from work. And 4 cars in ditches. I do not like Fredericksen but he made the right call. There are plenty of roads with lots of ice left.

  5. Our current problem with schools being closed lies with roads division not capable of getting roads ice free. Im not really into sending my kid on a bus in the dark where there is sheets of ice. Closing schools is for the best.

  6. Dear Readers,

    I am aware there is great discord with regard to this issue. First, let me offer the actual text of what was shared earlier today:

    Hello, this is John Fredericksen, Superintendent of Schools. Wicomico Schools will be closed on Friday, February 20th. School buildings and grounds are ready for students to return, but many secondary roads in the county and city are not. We are also concerned about having students walking or waiting outside in temperatures below zero. The safety of our students is our top priority. Thank you. We’ll see everyone on Monday.

    If you read between the lines, the esteemed (sic) Dr. F is trying to placate parents by sharing that while schools are open, roads are dangerous along with dangerously cold temps. I am quite aware that he reads this post along with various others (i.e. facebook, et al) and is very aware that the general public is not pleased. Please also note that the news of a bus crash in Sussex (with less snow than Wicomico had locally and was announced by local news approximately a half hour before this decision was made) certainly impacted this decision. As all of you are well aware, I am no supporter of this man, but given the state of roads in San Domingo, Sharptown, Athol rd and many others to name a few, they are frankly not safe. Now, that being said, he has also taken a pot shot at local and county government by stating that they essentially have not done their jobs. Frankly, the man in my opinion has no real professional respect or credibility left (and he is always scheming up yet another plan), but in this case, I believe the call to keep schools closed to be a good one. I know much more about this process, but will be silent on it and the folks who assist in making the decision save this - the subordinates of Dr. F all have a personal stake in the decision making process - he does not....



  7. Oh you're so great and powerful "paladin" LOL.
    What an ass hat!

    1. Agreed 5:59! Most people who are whining don't even have kids in school or need the school as a form of daycare.

  8. A lot of roads have experienced drifting snow and some roads that haven't been touched are dealing that plus the ice beneath it. It's not safe, especially for the students who have to walk to school. Sidewalks are still uncleared in lots of areas and and the freezing temperatures are not helping matters. This was the safest and right call at the moment.

  9. all this country is doing, from Obama down to the most localized form of government is turning this generation into nothing but "wusses". I am serious. Cant take the cold - boo hoo. OMG there is a snowflake - boo hoo. Safety my foot.

  10. City sent plow truck with salt attachment on the back of it today. The person went up and down our street several times. The problem was he didn't have the plow down and no salt was coming out of the truck, but he did ride up and down the street several times before moving on.

  11. Dear 5:59,

    Please know that your commentary with regard to my offerings is received...I am no great and powerful anyone...Joe is quite well aware of my work and support of this community and I am quite sorry that you think me otherwise... To this end, you have received the response you have been looking for and given your grammar and diction I trust you will be quite well regarded.



  12. So much more is accomplished with any business, school, government, etc.. when people just get along and have 1 common goal! Due what's best for the community. What is wrong with a 2 hour delay? Not judging...just asking. The best part of Dr. F poor leadership, is the fact that there are a "new" set of eyes watching his every move. No more of "pulling the wool" over everyone's eyes. If the county was truely about saving money, Mr. Willey should of long ago retired. Look at his salary, move on Mr. Willey...Retire for heaven sake. No, neither Frederickson (I think his PHD is actually in music)..I didn't even know they give a PHD in music. How is that? How can he be a superintendent? MR. Willey won't retire, he has it too good! Large salary and old ways! Abuse of power, shame on both of them!

  13. SO true 6:05....they are making our kids into wussies (liberals)!!

  14. I believe around FIVE school buses wrecked this afternoon in Sussex County. We're waiting for the official press release for further details.

    Look, it's not safe out there. Closing all of the schools was the right thing to do.

    I will have a very detailed report tomorrow on what's going on with road conditions. Rather then BITCHING, we're going to get to the bottom of it.

    1. Also when they turn on the heat it will blow the pipes.

  15. My rural road in Worcester has been a sheet of ice all day. Yesterday when it thawed a bit the road was wet and then it froze again last night and has been that way ever since.

  16. Since the roads are SOOOOO BAD then maybe the Governor should demand that ALL people of Wicomico County stay off these DANGEROUS roads.

    Funny how these kids made their way to Crown tonight to play soccer and practice or play field hockey. Funny those kids made their way to the Elks Club to snowboard. Funny those kids made their way to the Mall to hang out for free. Funny those kids played outside all day in the freezing cold temperatures. You people are full of sh!t and I have a good feeling most of these comments are from BOE employees or Dr. Fredericksen himself. You people have been suckered. He got you again.

  17. "The Salisbury School and Salisbury Christian School was open today" So what? Whole different circumstances there.

  18. 6:25, I agree. Willey and Creamer are birds of a feather. They just won't leave. Creamer retired once now he is on the county council doing his famous dealing. It's time to end all the double-dipping and stop being a drain on taxpayers. Willey, well he is just hanging on to someone's coat tails to remain relevant. Oh I forgot it's all about the children, right?

  19. Isn't Salisbury School closed tomorrow?

  20. Anonymous said...
    "The Salisbury School and Salisbury Christian School was open today" So what? Whole different circumstances there.

    February 19, 2015 at 8:17 PM

    Really? Other than much more intelligent people, what might that be?

  21. Anonymous said...
    Isn't Salisbury School closed tomorrow?

    February 19, 2015 at 8:49 PM

    Who cares. All the administrators of surrounding schools got together and communicated and decided to follow suit with Dr. Freddy. You Sheeple love Kool Aid of all flavors.

  22. If you want to cart your children to Crown, the ElKs or the mall so be it. Your insurance, your conscience if something goes wrong. Dr. Fredrickson is simply saying a tragedy won't occur on his time. Because the same people complaining about his decision arw the ones who would be in mine to file lawsuits before your kid was home firm the hospital, or worse, in the ground.

  23. 5:02, Salisbury School and Salisbury Christian are both closed tomorrow.

  24. I left Hebron at 9:30 and the streets were a sheet of ice. I was in a suburban and was nervous. Canceling school was the right call.

  25. Closing the schools is best. The roads were plowed, but plows don't reach down to the road surface. There is a thin layer of snow left. What usually happens is that salt, sunshine, and warmer daytime temperatures combine to melt what is left and the roads are clear. After this storm, the temperatures never really warmed up for long ( salt doesn't work below 23 degrees ). We have been flirting with record low temps. That thin layer of snow gets compacted and freezes into a layer of ice ( especially on roads that don't see a ton of traffic). I think the roads crew did the best they could with over 700 miles of roads in Wicomico County. In addition, school buses are rear wheel drive and don't have much weight in the back. They slip and slide much like a pick up truck with rear wheel drive only and no weight in the bed. They aren't very safe in the snow. As for Friday, we have not seen temperatures like this since 1979. We don't experience these temps very often, people are not prepared.

  26. How do children in Alaska get to school? Don't like snow, then move south!

  27. People are never happy. I'm not a fan of him but the roads are a solid sheet of ice this morning. He did the correct thing canceling schools.

  28. Anon 1:53 Hey idiot move there and find out.

  29. 8:49 pm. You are so right!! Whenever they want something...they'll say "it's all about the children". It's the escape route for NOT having any other reason. It's the excuse they use and hope no one intelligent will discover his load of crap. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. Why keep using the children as excuses for their own needs!! He needs to get a new story. and btw...DUH!....it's supposed to be about the children...who is he preaching to. RETIRE!!!!


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