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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sometimes A Little Nudging Can Go A Very Long Way: Back Street Update

This has been a very long day for me at Salisbury News. As many of you know, I posted an article about the feud between two property owners, (neighbors) early this morning that clearly went viral.

I had been talking to a friend of mine weeks ago about this issue and I said, I'll bet you a hundred bucks if I did a story about this situation I'd get the two owners to come together and work something out. 

Well, today, after many hours of communication with these two owners I am extremely pleased to announce that the two have now worked out a deal to allow parking at the Paint Store property and no one is going to get towed any more. Mind you, I am expecting more details from each owner in the near future but I can tell you this, both men are incredible people who just never connected properly.

Your comments, (ALL OF YOU) played a HUGE role in settling a deal between all parties involved and we can't thank you enough.

We want the right kind of business environment in Salisbury and Wicomico County and these two men just proved that ANYTHING can be worked out. Get this, NEITHER person EVER said a bad thing about each other! While I played the middle man, I couldn't believe that this was such an issue between the two because each person was so kind. 

And THIS is one of the key reasons I love what we do. Heck, this is as rewarding as reuniting a lost animal with their Family. 

So my hat is tipped to Mark and Jerred for putting the customers and business community back on track and creating an example for  every one else to follow. More to come tomorrow.



  1. Very nice ending to the story. I bet if Ireton handled it, both companies would have left town.

    Do you mind talking to Labinal?

  2. I personally know all parties involved.....and Mark Revees could buy that lot and building and never even notice the money was gone.....as far as Mr. Bernstein he is a businesman same as you Joe, as well as, Mr. Tyndall.....
    Joe if I'm not mistaken didn't you have the same thing happen at Station 7 in Pittsville? I do remember your tow signs around a building YOU owned for NO parking and tow a way area

  3. 6:17, that is absolutely 100% incorrect.

    I had NO TRESPASSING signs posted on that building but never a Towing sign.

    That being said and since you brought it up, let me tell you something.

    When Todd and Carol came to me after I sold them the other building, they didn't have enough parking. Todd asked me how much I would charge him to use parking at my other building, (and you are welcome to ask Todd and Carol) I said, NOTHING! I was EXCITED to see their business growing so fast. In fact, I even allowed them to put an "Additional Parking" Sign on my building to encourage others to park there.

    Todd and Carol have always maintained the lawn there and the parking area. This is how neighbors should work together. I expressed this exact story to both property owners today and they knew exactly what I was talking about.

    Again, I NEVER had No Parking signs or Towing signs on my property in Pittsville.

  4. Well kudos to all concerned. So glad this has worked out. Much respect given.

  5. This is great news and I'm very proud of both men for coming to an amicable solution.
    Sometimes a little prompting by the community is all that is needed and I feel most people are reasonable after they get over their initial frustration.
    The paint store should put a sign up welcoming Backstreet patrons to park in their lot, ask them to treat the property respectably and to remember them for all their painting needs.

  6. Great work Joe. I hope all those who like to bash you are taking note. The power of SBYNEWS and you being willing to put yourself out there GOT THE JOB DONE! You'd think they would have learned from the last election. ROFLMAO. Seriously man, good job!!

  7. This should be a lesson to all those who don't think blogs serve a useful purpose. Voicing opinions can create change. Impressive!

  8. Joe:

    Don't rest -- see if you can get Day bounced in this year's city election!

  9. good job joe but Tindell really had nothing to do with the paint building owner or mark from backstreet?

  10. Backstreet should advertise with you ?

  11. This is why you ARE a better man than Ireton and why, yes, it WAS the people's election to lose, not yours.

    No matter how much Ireton whines, no matter how many times his flunkies come on here and heckle you, you will still be the BETTER man!

  12. unfortunately labinal is a lost cause thanks too makulski and liarton hope they have nightmares of all the people and distress they have brought to them and salisbury.


  13. Job well done Mayor Joe. If only you blog was always out to serve and was a positive influence for all

  14. Now, the tow truck driver on the other hand will be losing, oh... what... lets say 4 tows a weekend? 1000$

  15. @6:28...great idea!


  17. This is the Joe I met some 9 years ago. Too have just made it easier to enjoy Backstreet.

  18. Kudos to both, this proves that civil discussion and not hot headed debate make things happen that is good for everyone. I wish the democrats and republicans could take note here. They are both neck deep in high finance corruption to out-do the other.

  19. Who knew this could be a conflict resolution blog.

  20. Congrats to everyone!

  21. Awesome! Everyone is a winner when misunderstandings/ conflicts can get resolved!

  22. This problem between Mark and Jarred has been concluded, and that is goods, Now go back and read the comments on the original post. All the vile comments made is bullying IMO. How does one so easily dismiss all the remarks made, by a public, where each individual, wrote all that dirt on the tow truck driver and the paint dealer and the building owner. Are we now to believe they are no longer the low life scum of the earth the folks in the know declared them to be yesterday. Vicious remarks not only hurt others reputation but often are not easily forgotten when proven untrue. My only fault with this blog is the posting of crude comments that IMO are written to deliberately hurt others, without the commenter having any knowledge of the truth or the subject. We cannot have an opinion if we do not have knowledge, We can air, what we perceive are others dirty little secrets - no matter if they contains a lick of truth or not on the blogosphere.

  23. 7:29, Might I offer a really good suggestion... Stop reading comments. I'm truly not trying to be a jerk here but it really is that simple.

    A really good thing came from the open discussion. While I agree, many anonymous comments are sometimes difficult to real, believe me, there were MANY I/We flat out rejected.

    Anyhow, I'd suggest you not read the comments and you'll feel a lot better.

  24. I get what you are saying 7:29 but I don't totally agree.
    From my experiences the public is easy to forgive. True forgiveness means you have given up the right to ever bring the infraction up ever again. There is no such thing as forgiving but never forgetting.
    This was a really good story-A Feud, A Blog, The Community and A Resolution. Because of the quick amicable resolution the public is going to dismiss most of the comments. Reasonable people, which most people are will realize the comments were made in the heat of an argument/debate.
    Joe deserves credit. He had the guts to publish the original story and then mediated the business owners through to a resolution.

  25. Congratulations to all involved. It is great to read good news with local businesses involved.

  26. I can understand the property owners point of view. If anyone gets hurt on his property, he could be liable. I would expect some kind of respect and asked permission first before using my property as a parking lot.

  27. Thanks Joe, Mark, Bernstein,, Im glad that you all worked this out.Very good people

    Thanks Tommy,,Tindalls Towing

  28. It's amazing what a little reasonable communication can accomplish. Thanks to all concerned!


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