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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Cracker Barrel confirmation by Jake Day


  1. 2 are actually here already.

  2. Great. More semi-fast food loaded with fat and calories to make you obese. Just what SBY needs.

  3. Anytime I hear of another chain business opening I get ill. With a chain the majority of the money consumers spend, leaves the local economy immediately. When you spend money in a locally owned business, the money multiplies over and over within the community.

  4. Good news to all the people who are negative about these opening, you dont have to go!

  5. 7:22 - there are too many impediments imposed by the governments for local businesses to thrive - some 'chain' synergy is necessary...and even then it isn't enough!

    I would be interested to know what concessions were made by the city/county/state to get these businesses to come here....and who is invested in which one......there's gotta be some back-scratching going on here!

  6. I've eaten at Cracker Barrel about 30 times. Food is okay nothing special decent price. I think the old English's on S. Salisbury Blvd. had better tasting food with more variety.

  7. 7:22
    I totally agree with you. I only go to locally owned business to eat out. Rarely do I go to a corporate owned restaurant to eat. I do however enjoy eating at cracker barrel when I travel. Great food at a reasonable price. I love their chicken and dumplings!
    The country store is also kind of neat!

  8. Chains coming into the are do not stop people from going to locally ownded restaurants. What they can do is bring new people and dollars into the area. Small thinkers taht think these jobs do not really count, just are not thinking.

  9. Chipotle can pound sand. Love their food, but their pork message is asinine and misleading the public. They don't practice what they preach. Typical in today's world.

  10. Yes John we know we don't have to go to these places. There's no fooling you is there.
    Now let me set you straight. So listen up and listen up good.
    You and others with your type of thinking and dismissive attitudes are all that is wrong in this country.
    Chain restaurants are another nail in the coffin of not only locally owned restaurants but also the suppliers of them including and not limited to the food suppliers. Very few local businesses "feed" off of chains-businesses like the uniform suppliers,etc. It's a trickle down effect and it's hurts the local economy across the board. For every dollar a consumer spends about 85 cents of it immediately leaves the local economy and goes to the corporate level which means massive amounts of money leaving the area.

  11. What planet are you on 7:59.
    Trust me on this one, new people with dollars to spend aren't getting all jazzed up over Cracker Barrel and that Mexican joint whose name escapes me at the moment.
    You are the small thinker. Chains hurt the economy across the board. They rarely if ever use local suppliers for anything. Chains suck money out of the local economy.
    You want businesses to open who will use local suppliers and services for most of their business needs.

  12. Yeah seriously-nothing exciting about this news. What would be more welcoming from an economic standpoint, would be if Cracker Barrel and/or Chipolte were opening a distribution center in the area. The jobs pay more and with better paying jobs the whole area is better off. More people buying homes, which raises the prices of them, more people paying into the tax base, more people buying vehicles, hiring out others to do maintenance work around the home. The trickle down effect of better paying jobs is endless.

  13. While all you clown talk bad about these places, First of no one makes you go to these places if you think you will get fat from it...

    Secondly, I welcome more food stores because, it means jobs, not many but at least it is jobs... I don't see any of you helping the situation not one bit...

    Thirdly, if you all were not so damn stupid you would know that ALL FOODS make you fat these days, YES even VEGETABLES why? because it is all GMO's

  14. 8:01- Chipotle's "pork message"? Please explain.

  15. For the ones talking about chain stores! What about Chick fil A? They are always giving back to the community and have great food and great service! It depends on how you run your business, as to how the community accepts you!

  16. IF a company does enough advertising, they could sell turds on stick to the salisbury consumers.

  17. I can see Cracker Barrel coming here but why do we always need two of everything in this town - we already have a five guys and we already had a chipotle - why can't something different come here? I really would like to know why.

  18. We also have a dunkin donuts and food lion on every corner of Salisbury. We need a Whole Foods, Or Acme, or some other choice in Grocery Stores. Would love to see a Krispy Creme here instead of just Dunkin Donuts.

  19. Who cares! The food is terrible at Cracker Barrel - loaded with salt and processed ingredients. Salisbury does not need another food chain - watch when this is finally opened and running you will not be able to get into the place.

  20. Sorry to be negative, BUT I'll believe it when I see it.. We have heard this many times in the past.

  21. 8:25 you are an ass - go ahead stand in line at the Cracker Barrel - I know I won't! It will do nothing for the local economy and you may be right about GMO's but I grown my own or shop organic and I don't eat meat, chicken, diary or fish! But hey - it's a free country load up!

  22. Glad to hear it, I am so sick of paying a high price to the local restaurants for crap. I love the bargains I get from the big chains. If locals would sell their food at these nice low prices, I would eat there, but they price gouge.

    1. Yea but if everybody bought local eventually prices would go down.. You can go to Backstreet and get a huge sandwich, chips and a soda for less then subway . I almost think they're faster then subway too

  23. reading through these comments just makes a person want to vomit.
    love how these commentators here profess to speak for others when they really have nothing comprehensible to say.
    If Cracker Barrel comes here, people will go there to eat because it offers them something they are willing to spend THEIR money on.
    The problem is some of you idiots trying to force others into compliance with your warped views of an economy.
    If I want to go to Cracker Barrel 8 times a day, why do you care?
    It's my money.
    If I choose not to go to Cracker Barrel, why do you care?
    It's not your money.
    You fools need to get a clue as to what constitutes a business.
    Kudos for CB to open a business here. As for the local restaurants "suffering?"
    It's called competition.
    Businesses COMPETE for dollars fools.
    If CB can out compete locals because more people like their services, maybe the locals need to rethink their business strategies.
    Don't blame CB for offering a better product or service than the corner eatery.
    It's no wonder this place resembles a ship of fools.

  24. Garbage fat food low paying pt jobs.

  25. Cracker Barrel will likely bring some money into the kocal economy from traffic that would otherwise not stop as they use the bypass. Travelers often don't want to take a chance on something they don't know. While eating at CB they may stop at other stores to shop as well.

  26. QUESTION: HAS ANYONE (ANYONE) noticed how bad (in general) the service is here on the eastern shore? The majority of the servers, weather cashiers or waitstaff, are rude, ignorant, and lazy. They seem to be upset that they need to wait on the customers in order to collect a pay check. Don't believe me, just go to a different area and see the difference for yourself. It is like day and night !!!!!!!

  27. 12:05
    Yes I have noticed it. I have also notice even the quality of food in chain restaurants is worse here. When visiting family in Frederick we stopped at the Golden Corral. The food was actually good. The on in Salisbury I wouldn't stp foot in after I got sick eating there. The Chili's in Rockville is good....the on here no so much.

  28. More low paying jobs. Another place to eat. We need manufacturing jobs. Jobs that pay. According to Jake if we pretty up downtown and have food joints bars and studios we will attract big business. Yeah more food joints! I told him low paying jobs create low income areas surrounding. That translates to ghetto! We need to clean up our neighborhoods and schools. He said cadista is adding 350+ to 600 jobs. He thinks people are going to move here for those jobs! They will be filled with local grads who fit in well with the rest of the companies thugs. And good for them. They expanded instead of leaving! With Jake and Jim in charge drinking eating and frolicking around in leotards is what we need.

  29. Chains are the downfall of small buisiness? I would venture to say that 90% of chains here in Salisbury are sitting on locally owned property - property owned by none other than SMALL BUSINESSES. So while these chains may not be your cup of tea (it's America, you can spend your $$ where you wish), they are bringing in local income to small businesses and offering employment to many in this area. Think things through before you start trashing.


  30. What I miss locally is a historic building turned restaurant.
    Several times a year we drive hours to dine in such an atmosphere.
    We like the Elkridge Furnace Inn in Howard County, The Dobbin House in Gettysburg, PA, and The Historic Revere Tavern in Lancaster Co, PA.

  31. 9:38 I applaud you for growing your own produce. But, "organic" means nothing. They still get sprayed with "natural" pesticides, at a rate and frequency above what a producer using synthetic pesticides would use. Same pesticide, different label and percentage of active ingredient to appeal to the wallets of those they are attempting to rob from.

    Continue to grow your own. Use raised beds for your garden, which eliminates 70-80% of most insects that target produce and veggie crops. Use drip (or soaker hose) irrigation to reduce weed germination to almost nothing. Prep those raised beds in the winter with compost, dried leaves and other materials to add nitrogen and other beneficial micro nutrients for the following year. Read and educate yourself, and don't fall prey to the Organic, Non-GMO labels and misguided truths. It is all marketing, no facts.

  32. Adding to 12:53 Poster - More low paying jobs.

    I agree - Salisbury's definition of prosperity is adding Dunkin Donuts, Cracker Barrel, Five Guys restaurant positions. What in the heck are our floundering leaders thinking. One goes to SU for 4 years, graduates, and waits on tables at Cracker Barrel? Not making fun of people for working - but come on - when was the last time you heard about a major manufacturer like Bayliner, Dresser, Crown, or Campbell's Soup, or Standard Register!!!!! This place has evolved into the PITS!!!!

  33. Mr. Day --

    How much does this do for Salisbury -- Nothing!

  34. First of all, this isn't 1950 anymore. Please stop whining about how chains kill local business. You know what kills local business? Local business does. I have been to many local establishment and their food in a word....SUCKS. Went to Delmar Diner for breakfast one morning, the water tasted like dish soap, and the food was tasteless. I for one welcome all three of these, now I don't have drive through "the hood" and almost hit people aimlessly wondering across Rt. 13 to get my Chipotle. Chipotle ROCKS!!!!

    As for 5:54PM - large jobs as you speak of will NEVER come here. The local leadership will see to that. Besides, you have a population that is majority under educated (note I did not say uneducated, just under educated) and most would rather live off of the government (i.e. us hard working people) than go get a job. But 5:54PM I do agree with you, this place has evolved into the PITS. God forbid Perdue ever leave here. This place would then be "attached to another object by an incline plane, wrapped helically around an axis"...

    Yeah, I know, if I don't like here I should move. Well when the WBOE tries to tank my property values by forcing kids from Delmar to WiHi so the WBOE can have more money and try to falsely improve their test scores, it is very hard. Worst mistake I ever made was buying a house here. I'm getting out while I can... West Shore, here I come!

    Peace Out...

  35. Leave it up to the good old Eastern Shore to remain in the dark as long as humanly possible.Back in 2013 Cracker Barrel reached an agreement with John Morrel Food Group to sell their products in grocery stores.At this time I am not aware of any local stores carrying CB frozen products,but those items are definitely being sold elsewhere in the country.Any investment in a local CB at this time would be foolish,as those products are on hold LOCALLY uhtil as many CB's as possible can be built on the Eastern Shore.Within 6 months AFTER they are built local grocery stores will introduce CB's entire line.

  36. 11:07-And possibly why Boston Market ceased expansion.

  37. Cracker Barrel is not just a restaurant but a country store as well. That makes it different. But the mall location, I think,is a bad move.


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