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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Shanie Shields At Sam's Club Today

What did we say about this yesterday?


  1. Didn't she have surgery last year on her knees. She shouldn't be in one of these carts.

  2. Mean bullies, all y'all

  3. She is overweight for the specifications on that scooter. 300# max.

  4. Does this seat make my butt look big.

  5. They should put load sensors in them so when they reach max capacity they will not move and light come one say 'weight capacity exceeded'!

  6. Lol meeting fat jt.lol

  7. 1:58, That's one sure way the Eastern Shore would get Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to come here. No thanks, if they have no pride, it is what it is.

  8. "Does this seat make my butt look big?"


  9. Keep back 500 Feet.

  10. Toot Toot, Here comes the Salisbury Fire Department. Where is the free food.

  11. shanie please skip a saladFebruary 14, 2015 at 2:46 PM

    Shame of this is that someone who really needed it had to struggle with their walker in there today.Next thing you know they will valet them out to the cars of the unhandicapped.

  12. I'm in utter disbelief at the rude and just plain mean comments. You all are ADULTS. You're a bunch of bullies. Disgusting. Grow up!

  13. She's in there buying massive quantities of something for sure! Needs a cart in tow...

  14. Worst day of my life was when i had to use one of those electric scooters... the minute i sat down i became less of a person, people acted like i was a POS like i had the plague or something... didn't know or care that some one had crossed the center line and struck my car head on and destroyed 4 vertebrae in my neck and 5 on my lower spine and left me with 75% of my cord crushed with no way to operate and living every day in unbelievable pain... they just cared that i was an over weight POS... well "F" you... if you had to live a day in my world you would probably blow your brains out by lunch time... so hopefully one of you smart asses will have a catastrophic accident and wind up with no choice but to be forced to use a chair, then the people just like you can laugh and point at your sorry ass... karma is a bitch

    1. You are the exception ,we are talking about lazy welfare crowd.

    2. 5:38 pm, And how do know that a person riding the scooter is on welfare or not?

  15. Ridiculous comments. Hateful.

  16. WIDE LOAD. Not your typical Eastern Shore double wide.

  17. Anonymous said...

    February 14, 2015 at 3:25 PM


  18. Heading for the candy counters in full speed.
    People like this will soon be gone , it is what it is.
    Call Bennie Smith , he's waiting for you .

  19. Disgusting.... Period

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm in utter disbelief at the rude and just plain mean comments. You all are ADULTS. You're a bunch of bullies. Disgusting. Grow up!

    February 14, 2015 at 3:34 PM

    Hey moron! You obviously don't pay city taxes. If you did you would understand why we feel the way we do.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Worst day of my life was when i had to use one of those electric scooters... the minute i sat down i became less of a person, people acted like i was a POS like i had the plague or something... didn't know or care that some one had crossed the center line and struck my car head on and destroyed 4 vertebrae in my neck and 5 on my lower spine and left me with 75% of my cord crushed with no way to operate and living every day in unbelievable pain... they just cared that i was an over weight POS... well "F" you... if you had to live a day in my world you would probably blow your brains out by lunch time... so hopefully one of you smart asses will have a catastrophic accident and wind up with no choice but to be forced to use a chair, then the people just like you can laugh and point at your sorry ass... karma is a bitch

    February 14, 2015 at 3:46 PM

    Hey you overweight POS I am living that life every single day and I have been for the last 2 years. I chose not to get fat. I walk every where I go and I park far away so I have to walk. My Neurosurgeon refused to give me a handicap tag and demanded I work. Maybe I have your karma but I refuse to let it live me down. If you have been out and about you have seen me around. Thank you now eat a damn salad and walk a mile.

  22. be proud she represents Salisbury our finest

  23. I'm not a big fan of those without disabilities that interfere with or prohibit walking any distance using such conveyances in retail stores. However, there are those who need to have such assistance. Ms. Shields has a bunch of ambulatory problems that will probably never be undone, including hip and knee failures that may or may not be resolved by hip and knee joint replacements and a long period of rehab. In short, she can't walk on her own more than 100 feet without sitting to recover. True, they were almost certainly caused and exacerbated by her morbid obesity, but the damage is done and now her mobility depends on assistance of some kind. Throw in the Type II diabetes that she probably has, and she can look at never being able to walk unassisted unless she engages in a total change in her lifestyle (i.e., diet, regular exercise in addition to her physical therapy), something that she may or may not have any interest in accomplishing.

  24. 3:46 I'm not trying to be a smart XXXX, but I can understand how you feel. I am sorry for the terrible accident and I pray you get relief from the chronic pain.

  25. I have chronic pain and I have never used a cart. I pray I will never need one...but if I do ...it hurts to know I'm going to be judged so harshly by this community. I have a handicap parking tag and I only use it when my pain is so great I am unable to walk distances. It is really hurtful to need these items but it is really made that way more by people who scorn you without knowing your story. Walk a mile in my shoes.....

  26. I was behind her with my grandson and her beeper went off. He said "Pop Pop, watch out, she's backing up".

  27. 6:52 PM
    So maybe she should change or should have changed her lifestyle? Is this what you are saying??

  28. 7:46 I am not buying your story sorry. BS meter maxing out.

    1. 9:32, I don't think you could be any more cruel.

  29. Complain about the way people act, not what they look like. Overweight people can try to lose weight, but I'm afraid the commenters on this post will always be rude and nasty. Don't be surprised why kids are cruel, look at their parents.

  30. 9;32 pm Your nice meter needs to be fixed....if you have one....

  31. Anonymous said...
    I'm in utter disbelief at the rude and just plain mean comments. You all are ADULTS. You're a bunch of bullies. Disgusting. Grow up!

    February 14, 2015 at 3:34 PM

    Did you mean Udder?

  32. Anonymous said...
    I have chronic pain and I have never used a cart. I pray I will never need one...but if I do ...it hurts to know I'm going to be judged so harshly by this community. I have a handicap parking tag and I only use it when my pain is so great I am unable to walk distances. It is really hurtful to need these items but it is really made that way more by people who scorn you without knowing your story. Walk a mile in my shoes.....

    February 14, 2015 at 7:46 PM

    Funny how people pull up and park in the handicap spaces at the Mall and Walmart, but those people seem to find energy to walk all over those stores.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Complain about the way people act, not what they look like. Overweight people can try to lose weight, but I'm afraid the commenters on this post will always be rude and nasty. Don't be surprised why kids are cruel, look at their parents.

    February 14, 2015 at 9:44 PM

    You obviously don't pay attention to the city council meetings or pay taxes. If you did you would know that sits at the table with a large bowl of chocolates in front of her.

    1. Who cares what she eats? Name calling is rude and childish. And I am sure I pay more taxes than most. Stop assuming you all know everyone's story.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Hey apparently even bigger moron... Until you're totally aware of everyone's reasons for using those carts and their entire medical health history, maybe you should shut your judge mental mouth and mind your own business. City taxes has WHAT to do with a motorized shopping cart. Get over yourself.

    February 14, 2015 at 9:46 PM

    Hey Miss Piggy did someone hit a soft spot? BTW Judgmental is 1 word.


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