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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Are Democratic voters angry enough to support Bernie Sanders for president?

Sen. Bernie Sanders, the self-identified socialist from Vermont, has met plenty of angry people in recent years.

"Some of them are in the Occupy Wall Street movement and consider themselves progressives," Sanders said Monday at the Brookings Institution, a Washington-based think tank. "Some are in the Tea Party movement and consider themselves conservatives."

Whatever their political bent, he said, "They have every right in the world to be angry."

"They're seeing an explosion of technology. They're watching TV and seeing all the great benefits, supposedly, of the global economy," the senator said. "And they're working longer hours for lower wages. And they're scared to death as to what is going to happen to their kids, what kind of jobs are their kids going to have."



  1. Yeah and so socialism is the answer? Things need to change but the liberals don't have the answer.


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