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Friday, February 13, 2015

Science Explains Why Meth Addicts Look The Way They Do

By now, most of us have seen the shocking before and after pics of people addicted to methamphetamines. Exactly what is happening inside each cell to cause such striking changes to a person’s face and body? Meth, scientists from the Italian Institute of Technology and UC Irvine say, causes abnormalities in the fat metabolism of cells and this triggers a rise in a type of molecule which promotes cell death. Understanding this, they say they can prevent the drug’s radical effects.
Physical Effects

Users say meth creates a feeling of euphoria along with increased energy and reduced appetite. A psychostimulant, meth is highly addictive despite, or perhaps, because of the fact that it causes profound and long-lasting damage to the brain. Post-mortem studies link the drug to diseases of aging, including coronary atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and pulmonary fibrosis (scar tissue in the lungs). Something is happening at the cellular level to cause these strange physical effects, but what is it?

For the current study, experiments on rats and mice allowed the researchers, in their own words, “to investigate the molecular mechanisms of systemic inflammation and cellular aging related to methamphetamine abuse.” Specifically, they focused on the ways meth induces abnormalities of lipid metabolism in select regions of the brain and peripheral organs and tissues. Through experimentation, the scientists observed how meth accelerated "cellular senescence" — arrested cell growth — and influenced inflammation and other processes of cell regulation.



  1. Wow. Scary. I tell my kids -- don't touch drugs. Not once, not ever.

  2. Wow. Scary. I tell my kids -- don't touch drugs. Not once, not ever.

  3. It's not talked about much but, tobacco restricts your veins and gives you premature wrinkles. Never mind that MD avoids telling their tax paying addicts this. Though I' m an EX smoker, I can recognize an unappealing female smoker voice from across the room. Who wants to share smoker phlem?

  4. And those lip wrinkles that women get from sucking on their smokes. Ugh!


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