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Friday, February 13, 2015

Please Practice Safe Fracking


  1. 'Safe Fracking' is an oxymoron.

  2. You clearly haven't studied this issue, 2:53. Fracking's been used since the 1940's. As scientists will tell you, there is yet to be even a single case of confirmed groundwater contamination because of it.

    It's safe, and it's necessary to produce the oil and natural gas that American needs. Or would you rather buy it from overseas?

  3. 3:24
    I'd rather us all just stop using/wasting so much energy. That solves SO MANY of these problems and is SO SIMPLE!

    1. I agree and I've seen you living off the grid by riding your bike, windmill for electric, hand pumping water, heating with wood, candles for light, and your lovely garden. You are my hero.

  4. 4:43 your absolutely correct. It should be patriotic to drive a hybrid.
    Screw the middle east, you guys driving your big trucks are undermining the US.

  5. i always wondered why there were not solar panels or wind generators along all those thousands of miles of highway, or why an electric car didn't have motors on 2 wheels and generators on the other 2 ? or the same with trains... engine pulls and train cars each have generators on at least 1 axle, same with tractor trailers...2 axles with 8 tires doing nothing but rolling when they could generate usable electricity... then there would be no use for oil, which in turn would lose profits for the largest of corp giants, which means the most powerful of our leaders and law makers would lose money... and we can't have that... as long as they make and keep american citizens dependent on fossil fuels, it means they still have control... it always boils down to control and/or money


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