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Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Russia will respond in Ukraine and elsewhere if Obama arms Kiev regime

On Monday Obama said the United States is considering sending armaments and lethal aid to the regime in Ukraine.

Obama had previously opposed sending arms.

“It is true that if in fact diplomacy fails, what I’ve asked my team to do is look at all options,” Obama said. “The possibility of lethal defensive weapons is one of those options that’s being examined.”

Obama made this comment as German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande push a peace plan to resolve the crisis. Merkel and Hollande met with Putin and Ukrainian leaders last week and announced a summit to be held in Minsk on Wednesday.

As Obama vacillates and a bipartisan group in Congress demand the U.S. arm the Kiev regime under the terms of the Budapest Memorandum, the Russians warn military aid to Ukraine will result in “all-out-war.”

Alexei Pushkov, a leading Russian MP and an ally of President Vladimir Putin, told the European Parliament the delivery of arms to Ukraine is the first step in what will become larger participation in the conflict by the United States. He said sending armaments was one of the first steps in U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

“First they sent weapons, then they sent military advisers, then troops to protect military advisers, then troops to fight the Vietnamese.”


  1. Explore the option of staying the hell out of it.

  2. We need to re-institute "Chrome-Dome"! It caused the Soviet Union to collapse when we were running it in previous history!

    We should also stay out of that fight - let the Europeans haggle that battle!

  3. Looks like big O fired three more Navy rear Admirals today. When we start a war with Russia what kind of leaders do we have left in our military to lead the fight? Gays, Muslims, leftists, pacifists and assorted Obama butt kissers? God help us.

  4. It was Obama that helped broker a deal as Senator that completely NEUTERED Ukrainian defenses. His plan included them destroying those weapons by the tonage!
    Now he's FAKING trying to help them.
    I hope some idiot helps a big piece of some heavy earth element find it's way to his brain someday.

  5. Obama is going to get us all killed. Sometimes I really think that's his plan.
    Sometimes too I think he hasn't got a clue.
    In the end, it really won't matter because once this ball starts rolling, it ain't gonna stop till it hits something hard.

  6. The MOST incompetent and BIGGEST buffoon to EVER be called the leader of the Free World.
    Talks a good game.
    Maybe he can come up with a new "red line" to scare the Russians.

  7. Obama wants us in a big war than he can suspend elections with his "Executive Action", and be ruler of America!

  8. Obama needs to draw one of his red lines in the sand (or snow). This will scare Putin...

  9. Its real simple. If we go to war with Russia going to kill every Russian and Muslim. Are war we shouldn't be in and a war we should but isn't. I have no idea who is who in this country. Accents beware.

  10. How about all of us go to war with obamma. When he is eliminated problem solved.


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