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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

In Likely Democratic Primary, Who's Joining Hillary Clinton?

There may not be any officially declared candidates for president yet, but prominent Republicans from Jeb Bush to Rand Paul and Marco Rubio are making big speeches and jostling for consultants and donors. On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton may not formally announce whether she is running for months. But any number of polls would indicate, without even declaring, she has a lock on the Democratic nomination.

Which got me thinking — who are the other potential Democratic candidates?

This may not be an obvious place to start, but I figured why not ask the opposition? America Rising PAC is a Republican group that exists to dig up dirt on Democrats. And they're on the lookout for presidential candidates to target.

"It really is tough," says Tim Miller, the PAC's executive director. He says each quarter they have a meeting where they sit down and basically ask themselves, who other than Hillary Clinton should we be researching?



  1. Go,go,go Uncle Joe! Stupid Rocks!!

  2. Pitiful group for the democrat side of the presidential race for 2016. Pitiful.

  3. I want Nancy Pelosi! With Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for VP!

  4. Hope they all run and destroy each other. Maybe they'll all get on the same plane. Air Asia.

  5. Barbara boxer would be an good VP she's a true democrat


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