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Friday, February 13, 2015

Putin Threatens to Reveal Bombshell 9/11 Evidence?


  1. A true leader would simply go ahead and do it.I never threaten.I just do.That doesn't give anyone time enough to brace themselves.However,it won't work against an administration that wouldn't be in power for another 7 years.Putin has a kneejerk reaction tendancy that is always out of time with the targeted event.His info is accurate,just 13 years and 4 months late.

  2. Stop listening to infowars, people...infowars is nothing more than a government honeypot...Alex Jones works directly for the US govt.

  3. Russia and China know all our secrets including JFK assassination,2008 economy collapse,9-11 etc.

  4. Heck, I'm still waiting for the universe shattering news from Mike Zullo. Whatever happened to that?

  5. The evidence is already out there. Dimitri Khalezov told you three subterranean detonated nukes were used to bring the buildings down. The first responders are dying of low level radiation sickness. The steel was blown into microdust by the blast wave. It was molten for weeks afterwards due to the thermal effect of the detonation.


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