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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Public Works: Schools, Take Care Of What You Have

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A message to Maryland school districts from the Board of Public Works: take better care of what you have.

Political reporter Pat Warren reports Governor Larry Hogan’s first meeting of the board included requests from counties for additional school construction funding.

A good housekeeping message from the Board of Public Works.

“I’ve been to a ton of schools that are appalling because of their lack of maintenance and I’m told, we’ll, we’re just going to build new ones,” said Comptroller Peter Franchot.

While budgeting millions of dollars to build new schools, the Board of Public Works is taking a closer look at how well school systems maintain their existing structures, calling for more physical inspections of the condition of the buildings.

“We’re talking about hundreds of millions of dollars here and if you need a couple of employees to do the report, to figure out how to better spend our maintenance dollars, we ought to get that done right away,” said Governor Hogan.



  1. Thank god. Common sense.

  2. Any way you look at it it will cost the taxpayers money. but I also feel hiring more maintenance workers is a whole lot cheaper than building a new school.

  3. Absolutely it's cheaper to maintain than to build. About time we have some common sense up in Annapolis.

  4. This is exactly what Exec. Bob Culver has suggested with West Salisbury School. And to expected Frederickson and his puppets want to fight this kind of deal. So glad the message is coming from Annapolis.

  5. Where have we heard this message before? Sounds like Culver is a smart man. Seems like letting buildings fall into disrepair is a "technique" that BOEs use to justify building new schools. Guess what - the grown ups are on to you - LOL!

  6. Sounds like the whiners who complain that Culver will keep the BOE from getting state funds need to find something else to whine about. The State is recognizing the abusers of the system who don't take care of schools. Actions have consequences. GOTCHA!

  7. Love Franchot's statement. Fredericksen' head must be spinning off his shoulders.

  8. Yes common sense but also intelligence something all democrats are lacking.
    Democrat insider Jonathan Gruber, hit the nail directly on it's head when he said the "stupid" American voters.

  9. I had a meeting with Frederickson recently to discuss school construction and my opinion from this meeting is Frederickson does not want renovations or adding on to existing schools, but all new schools period. Maybe now the message from Annapolis will sink in to the BOE to maintain what you have.

  10. 8:18 I guess you could say he is "Goin Nuts". He will probably be in his office, crying a "Brew River".

  11. Maintaining what we have will save tax payers money in the long run as well as teaching students the valuable lesson of taking care of what you have because money doesn't grow on trees.
    I am so pleased to read this step forward in a better future for the children.
    It's disturbing how little care the democrats have for the future of the children. Just because they are self centered and have no regard for their OWN children's future doesn't mean all parents are so irresponsible.
    Thankfully the public is seeing their evil selfish ways and voted a lot of them out. The democrats needs to all go-they have done nothing productive ever and are very bad for the country's families.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I had a meeting with Frederickson recently to discuss school construction and my opinion from this meeting is Frederickson does not want renovations or adding on to existing schools, but all new schools period. Maybe now the message from Annapolis will sink in to the BOE to maintain what you have.

    January 29, 2015 at 8:34 AM

    And you can blame Stevie Prettyman and Matt Holloway for giving Fredericksen a new Bennett Middleschool. Stevie demanded a special meeting after it was shot down and Matt Holloway the president of the County Council called for the meeting. That is where Turncoat Prettyman changed her vote to give them a brand new school. I am also guessing the ones that voted for the new school were RINO Hall and Left Wing Nut Sample-Hughes. Any woman that hyphenates their last name has to be a control freak. Poor Desmond Hughes, what did you marry.

  13. In your meeting with the supt., did you ask if Mr. Culver had spoken to him prior to the county council meeting where West Salisbury was discussed? Much was made that the board president wasn't informed in advance, but nothing about what the supt. had been told.

  14. Why does Culver have to check in with the president of BOE or Fredericksen before a council meeting. They don't consult with him or any other taxpayers for that matter. The world isn't all about them. Willey and Fredericksen are not liked by most anyway.


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