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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Obama Cuts Immunization Funding For Poor

While he is encouraging every parent to have their child immunized, President Obama’s new budget cuts $50 million from an immunization program for poor, uninsured, American-Indian and Alaska Native citizens.

The proposed cut comes as the nation is in a heated debate over parents refusing to get their children immunized for measles as cases break out.



  1. Aren't immunizations covered under Obamacare?

  2. He's always whacking to hurt the hardest.....

    Don't whack Social Security for millionaires...take away shots from the ones that need it most and can least afford it!

  3. 1:03 Social Security is a government imposed savings plan which you are forced to contribute to so you get money back when you turn 65. it is not another tax for the government to decide what to do with. the problem is that the government chose to spend our money which it collects instead of putting it in a lock box. now people like you think you should just take it away. it is my money and I want it back

  4. 1:01 you are correct and since everyone is required to have insurance there is no need for them to get the money.

    Medicaid, which I am sure they are all on, also covers it.

  5. why don't they use the Vaccine Court slush fund money?


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