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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Dick Morris: Scott Walker Could Win

Scott Walker is the only ambidextrous candidate in the Republican field. He appeals equally to the Republican establishment and the Tea Party/evangelical wingers.

All other candidates fit neatly in one or the other box. While Jeb Bush’s record in Florida used to make him the most attractive member of his family to conservatives, he has blown that accolade with his strong support for immigration amnesty and Common Core.

Chris Christie was never the darling of conservatives, but his appeal to establishment Republicans is obvious.

Neither Bush nor Christie is a switch-hitter.

Read the rest here


  1. See the WSJ article yesterday about how Gov. Walker has cut the Wis. budget by taking on the public employee union -- no more collective bargaining -- and now is taking on that state's higher education establishment. Next to judges that's the most protected bureaucracy.

    Larry Hogan - are you listening?

  2. While the locos like Christie, Cruz and Rand Paul are playing to their party's wingnuts about the fabricated dangers of vaccinating children, Walker is getting some real progress and is a solid candidate.

    Just read that WSJ article -- can you post it Joe?

  3. Trey Gowdy/ Rand Paul/ then Scott Walker.

  4. Establishment conservatives are NOT going to vote for Walker. The dems will siphon off a fair number of normal, moderate conservatives if Walker is nominated. Don't believe me? Go ahead, vote for the guy. He couldn't compromise with a fish over feeding time.

  5. if Jeb Bush is the nominee; the conservatives will not vote. period. so 7:18, what will it be, a RINO or a conservative? I'll take a conservative any day...

    by the way; read your political history. very little compromise from the beginning of this great nation. it's always been a battle and hopefully it always be a battle.

    these pols were only supposed to be in D.C. Part-time, NOT fulltime and certainly not career pols sucking the life out of its citizens.

    "establishment" Republicans are too soft, scared of their own shadow, too middle of the road aka "road kill". NOT worth their salt.


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