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Sunday, February 01, 2015

New 'No Parking Zone' in Salisbury


  1. What's wrong? They can't bunny hop a few cars?

    The city needs to remember that vehicles bring in taxes, bikes don't. Stop catering to the 2 wheel girls.

  2. F that and the officer that tries to ticket my guests when I entertain! They will not like the price they pay.

    1. Hey Mouthy, expect you would pay the price or be behind bars.

  3. lol 7:58 I'm sure they're real scared now.

  4. Be smarter and don't bother going downtown....nothing there worth visiting...this police state shows how desperate they are!

  5. Check out the internet tough guy at 7:58.

  6. The residents of Riverside Drive can give thanks to Salisbury Ordinance No 2309, for the No Parking issue. And forget to thank, our Mayor, for another fine mess you have gotten us in.

  7. Anon 7:33 Seagull century doesn't bringing in any money

  8. The Seagull Century is a one weekend event. It doesn't warrant no parking year round.

  9. 10:04 that observation makes lots of sense: a once a year event brings in so much money it justifies taking away the rights property owners assumed when they agreed to purchase property and pay taxes in the city. A mindset like that justifies 8:53's saying stay away from downtown Salisbury.

  10. 10:04 Yeah... 7,000 women in tights, once a year... versus the other 51 weeks of a tax paying homeowner. OK.

  11. 10:19 the property owners have no rights to a city owned street.

  12. Idiot Ireton, you elected him

  13. In addition to the many no parking signs, there is also a speed camera at the corner of Riverside & S. Blvd.

    Thank you so very, very, very much Ireton and Day for this lovely addition. Now the college kids and the midnight drunks zoom down my street at all hours of the night up to and including 4 AM to avoid the camera.

    People milling around at that hour, the college drunks, and druggies that hang out in the little neighborhood park during the late night hours/early morning hours are still out there every night. The police are seldom if ever out to catch these creepers. If they had been, perhaps a few of the street signs in the neighborhood would still be on the poles instead of some kids rental. A call to the police doesn't do any good. If they ride by, they do just that they hurry by in their vehicles.

    In closing, for the person(s) brilliant idea it was to place the camera at the corner despite what you tell us-it isn't working.

    Once again, the homeowner, who is the taxpayer is screwed again by this waste by the city.

  14. Local people train for the seagull century year round, I didn't realize that homeowners own the street as well.

  15. Move - the residents will probably be moving soon to make way for Section 8 housing. An alternative would be for the Century to move, say to Exmore, VA. Of course Salisbury would lose that annual influx of cash and the thousands of daily rides practicing on Riverside Dr along with a quick glimpse of 7,000 women hunched of handlebars in yoga pants.

  16. The bike routes are to give people safe bike riding lanes so those very few people that care about their health can bike to work & such. I know it's hard to believe anyone here would give a care about his health but not everyone wants to be a lazy fatty that ends up with heart disease & diabetes.

  17. Notice a great many of the desired bike lanes especially while turning, turn right into car lanes...so safe 5:16PM!

  18. 5:16 There are more people older than 60 who haven't ridden a bicycle in over a half a decade who have lead a healthy lifestyle and are not lazy fatties with heart disease and diabetes in Salisbury than there are adult bicycle riders. Sounds like you are way overdue for a reevaluation of priorities.

  19. There are a lot of people over 60 that use the bike lane.


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