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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Cancel Your Subscription to The Daily Times

When looking back at Stephen Decatur High School, three words come to mind: pride, camaraderie, and unity. The school truly embodies its motto: The Decatur Way: Pride, Achievement, Respect, Responsibility. Whether it is sports, academics, volunteering, or just the school pride that unites us as one student body, our school was the best, is the best, and will always be the best. It does not matter if we are black or white or rich or poor, we are ALL Seahawks.

It is malicious, irresponsible, and disgusting that The Daily Times has capitalized on the actions of the few and concocted a race issue at Stephen Decatur. The situation has been blown largely out of proportion. Students are stressed. Alumni are enraged. Teachers and administrators are being attacked. They find it difficult to go to work every morning because they are afraid of what criticism they will face that day.

The Daily Times' most recent post of a video of a fight including names and personal information is mind boggling to say the least. You do not have to be a lawyer to know that this video is illegal and if The Daily Times wants to evade the law, they should at least consider the emotional effects this video will have on those involved. If The Daily Times wants to cover something interesting, how about covering the truth? Show the true Stephen Decatur High School: a thriving school in which students of all races, ethnicities, and religions are constantly working together to make a difference in their community.

Cancel your subscription to The Daily Times in support of the best school in the country, Stephen Decatur High School.

GO HERE to fill out the petition.


  1. Who needs DAILY TIMES when we have SBYNEWS?!

  2. OK I get it - the issue is not about race but what about the fight? I saw the video and that is tough to watch - both fights - is SD doing anything to address that issue?

  3. This is just bad. The Daily Times reported on a crime.....a black kid attacking a white kid. If it had been the other way around it would have been all over the news. And if there are not racial problems in the school they why are the faculty and staff being attacked? and if the students are so great then why are they stressed about something that is not true? Find some real news please - and the Daily Times should do the same.

  4. The CBS TV station in Washington DC had the story and video. Definitely on the news outside the eastern shore.

  5. I see no need in a subscription to the DT's. However, I know that there are real racial tensions happening at Stephen Decatur. The administration would like to keep it a secret from the public but it has been building for months. Regardless of what anyone says to the media, this is only going to get worse if there are not serious interventions soon!

  6. Joe, I am not sure if you are aware of it or not, but the Daily Times raised their subscription fee again last month. It is now $25.00 a month

  7. kids fight, no matter how much you want to hope they don't, sometimes they do. it's not always about race, there are plenty of things to fight about besides that. in my humble opinion, the problems with what the daily times did are, at the very least,(1) they showed the faces of the minors involved. i see lots of fight footage on national news but they generally blur the faces if they are kids unless they have been charged as adults. also, in their original post of the 911 call,(2) they failed to listen to the recording first and then redact the names and addresses of the people making the 911 call. if the daily times truly believes a race war is happening at stephen decatur or anywhere else for that matter, then they should remove the callers names and personal info so that they won't be tracked down and retaliated against. if either of these women is harassed in any way i hope they sue the daily times and its editors for as much as they can get. 911 calls are public record but again, when you hear them played on national media, they redact or black out the names and pertinant info of the caller. the media in general has become very irresponsible in its' reporting because all the media outlets want to be first to drop a story, no matter if it's true and/or accurate or not

  8. Not sure why anyone still subscribes. Gave it up several years ago after price increases, total lack of news, sloppy delivery, and off-the-wall irrelevant opinions. It has long been of little value.

  9. The DT's acted totally irresponsible. The race issue is being advanced by one person who most likely is the one who provided at least one of the fight videos to the DT's.
    If the DT's had done their due diligence they would have not run with this story.
    Just for the record it's a white person who is trying to make this into a race issue.

  10. Yeah 2:27 It's always Whitey's fault isn't it??..As soon as whites push back against black aggression, the racist/victim card gets pulled out. "Getting along" does not mean being complacent and passive around blacks so they don't attack you.

  11. The DT's doesn't vet their sources. If they did, it would have become apparent very quickly, that any supposed racial tone to the fights, is a figment of one person's imagination and they would not have pursued this story.
    It was a fight between students and for what ever reason one student (who wasn't even involved in the first fight) felt compelled (as he always does)to insert himself in the drama later after school had let out.

  12. I have a daughter that goes there. She said to me that there was talk of a big fight coming up between black and white students. Also, a couple of years ago there was a fight between a black and white student. I was told the black student was the aggressor. This fight was pretty bad and the black student had a tooth knocked out. When the African American police officer that works at the school arrived on scene he cuffed and mirandized the white student. This went to court and the case against the white student was dropped.

  13. WBOC is no better!

  14. Congratulations Mr. Killian - you and your reporters have destroyed the reputation of the Daily Times in this community - I expect that you will do the same in Ohio

  15. This is all part of a bigger plan to bring more diversity to SD. Some people don't think it is fair that this very successful school is overwhelmingly white. I think the school's success clearly shows the advantage of the prime socioeconomic advantage we enjoy here in northern Worcester. Black/White fights happen in schools all across the shore, why aren't these reported with such vigor? Rhetorical question, already answered above.

  16. Had many b/w fights in wicomico county since integration. I was in school when this occurred and not much has changed. Two different cultures that have a difficult time in close quarters.

  17. I think the kids are educating themselves for what is to come.
    It's obvious that race will always be an issue.
    WBOC is and will always be an Obama loving media.
    When I did watch their program for some news , they swell on the weather or what ever the teleprompter says. These people can't even think for themselves.

  18. Why is the sentiment that, "It's obvious that race always will be an issue" ??
    I strongly disagree,..,
    I do not look at another person
    and immediately think about skin color,.,
    I notice someone's demeanor, their smile, their eyes,
    their voice, their comments,.,
    but not identifying anyone only by their skin color.
    I am certainly aware that the differences exist,
    but it is not something that is forefront in my mind.

  19. If the white kid put some racist nonsense out there on instagram then this is what you call a consequence. This isn't 1940, kids are scared to go at it for someone's bs. With that being said do I feel there is some type of "race war" brewing at Stephen Decatur? No? Are kids stupid? Are kids irrational at times? Do kids not think their actions through? Yes. This very well could have been one kid running his mouth and then getting his butt beat. It's life, it's consequences. It's highly inappropriate for The Daily Times or anyone else to put this stuff out there without some type of parental knowledge. The mom seemed blindsided. In the end, kids are kids. Could it be raced related? Yes. Could it not? Yes. But let's all not pretend the Eastern Shore is some mecca of racial harmony. The comments on this website is a testimony of that. No kid develops racial prejudice or negativity on their own. It's always taught. Again, with some of the comments on here, I would definitely say there are quite of few of you that have raised your own glorious bigots.


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