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Thursday, February 12, 2015

New Bill Prevents Government Workers From Watching Porn Any More

A new bill would prevent federal employees from watching pornography on government-issued devices. Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) introduced the bill. The measure comes afer an inspector general report on the Environmental Protection Agency. The audit found one employee watched six hours of porn a day in the office. That same employee also downloaded 7,000 pornographic files onto his government computer. Meadows says most agencies already have rules in place to prevent employees from accessing porn, but it still happens. He also says downloading porn poses a cyber threat.


  1. Duh!

    Now what are they going to do for eight hours per day? Most of the ones I've seen aren't qualified/capable/willing to do the jobs they're in!


  2. Put some teeth in it. Suspended w/o pay if it's on their device. Fired within 30 days w/o opportunity to resign. Forfeit pension. Provide whistleblower 'bonus' of $ for ratting out the porn viewers.

    If it's so compelling let them watch at home on their time but not on the employer's dime.

  3. and my (your) dollars are paying them to do this each day. everyone on this blog and reads this should be livid. think of all the money wasted by the bloated governments at all levels, but the feds are beyond belief.

  4. "If it's so compelling let them watch at home on their time but not on the employer's dime."

    Most of them probably are.

  5. Wow, they need to pass a bill for that? In the private sector it's called "termination" ,they only need three words " you are fired!"

  6. These misfits deserve and SHOULD be FIRED on the spot. No do overs, no second chances at the taxpayer's expense. They could so little about their jobs, fire them all. Then get rid of all the tax evaders that work at IRS. What the h==== are they doing there anyway??

  7. Hey politicians can do it why can't I matter of fact they do worse.

  8. Never heard of lunch break?


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