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Thursday, February 05, 2015

New allegations of Saudi involvement in 9/11

Washington (CNN)New allegations have emerged from the man described as the 20th 9/11 hijacker, alleging members of the Saudi royal family supported al Qaeda.

Zacarias Moussaoui, who pleaded guilty in 2005 to six terror-related charges, makes the allegations in a sworn statement contained in a brief submitted Tuesday as part of an ongoing civil case by the families of 9/11 victims.

In the late 1990s, Moussaoui says, he was tasked by Osama bin Laden to create a digital database cataloging al Qaeda's donors. Every day for two or three months, he says, he entered names of the group's donors into a Toshiba computer, along with how much they gave.



  1. These aren't new at all. They are just 'surfacing' on media outlets. Just another reason Iraq was the WRONG choice, yet Afghanistan was the RIGHT choice. Hell if we really wanted to have an impact we would have invaded southern Saudi Arabia and Yemen. But that doesn't sound very profitable.

    Oh Dick Chaney why do you exist?

  2. You know how tight the Bush family is with the Saudi, probably just wanted to grease the way for George W and revenge against Clinton for beating Bush senior.

  3. There was the other terrorist involved too, named Barouk Hussein Obama!

  4. Keep drinking this 9/11 coolaid.....the whole makes perfect sence..since then spending has broken us..freedoms taken..bills passed that erode the constitution...government prepping for something..and the Worlds safer?? ..are you ready should be the question? I pray i am

  5. kind of funny their is always a Bush around some major catastrophe that has taken place.... iran contra..gulf war . .9/11..i dont trust em..nor their globlist friends...its all the same honor among thieves?

  6. SA & Bush/Cheney are wholly responsible for 9/11, period.
    Do some research, some fact finding for yourself., I've already done it and there's far, far too much evidence pointing straight at the Saudi royal family, George Walker Bush, the Bush family & and Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney to make any other informed decision.


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