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Thursday, February 05, 2015

How much did Democrats dislike Hogan's speech? A lot

Few expected Maryland's Democrat-controlled legislature to whoop and holler in glee at Republican Gov. Larry Hogan's State of the State speech Wednesday. But by the time he finished, any visage of bipartisanship and tongue-biting had evaporated.

Democrats took issue with Hogan's tone, his characterization of Maryland and its economy, and that in his first formal address, he gave what sounded like a campaign speech instead of acting like cheerleader-in-chief.

Republicans, meanwhile, were effusive in their praise of a governor they said delivered straight talk, even if it was hard to hear.

Below is a sampling of the best zingers and one-liners offered by Maryland lawmakers in reaction to Hogan's State of the State. Since Democrats outnumber Republicans by big margins in both chambers of the legislature, there's a few more Democrats on this list than Republicans. 



  1. I am surprised Hogan didn't address the big OMalley hammer coming down for fees and increased taxes program called AFG. Hope it's dead as was possibly more of a funding than the rain tax from what I have read. Does anyone know it's status

  2. Never gonna convince the commie demoturds libtarded marxists democratic party of md..of any belt tighten...talking sense about education..taxes..dumping fed extortion nonsence.....they love the smell of obamas commie fumes

  3. Keep up the great work Governor Hogan! The real world citizens are behind you. The Democrats are licking their wounds. None of them have ever cared are thought twice about the poor hard-working taxpayer, the farmers, or the fishermen.

    Keep your fight going! You are never licked until you quit!

  4. The Democrats just don't get it, especially the antiquated Senate President and House Speaker. What were the idiots thinking when they re-elected those 2. Look at Mike Miller and his 80's style hairdoo. What a creep he is.

  5. It's the same scenario as the local libs bitching about how Bob Culver is changing things for the better.

    Larry & Bob -- Keep up the good work and please don't back down due to the treatment you receive in the mainstream media (mouthpiece for the Democrat party).

  6. You just can't fix stupid. Keep doing the same things and expect different results.


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