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Thursday, February 19, 2015

National Joe-A-Graphic

Found this Woodcock on our property today.


  1. Cool. This is a good time to keep bird feeders filled, the little critters need it because of the cold and snow.

  2. Does anyone out there know of a good way to keep the black birds away from the feeders? There must be at least 100 out there this morning.
    They scare the little birds, the cardinals, and the seven squirrels I have been feeding with the Lord's help. Thank you.

  3. I have the same problem. Usually when I open my front door they all take off and the smaller birds have a chance to eat.

  4. I'll add, we've gone through a huge bag of feed over the past 3 days. The birds are hungry and can't seem to find any food elsewhere.

  5. I am feeding the birds and they are going through bag after bag. They are really feeding to keep warm in these bitter temps. God Bless.

  6. put corn out away from the seed the black birds go to it instead.

  7. Thanks to everyone for their help with black birds. I stand at the door and knock on the glass, I've blown a whistle, and I've actually stood outside so my little birds, and cardinals, and squirrels could eat. Nothing has worked. I'll try the corn. So far in three days, I've gone through five bags of food; feeding them twice a day.

    Chickadees need to eat first thing in the morning to build up their body temperatures during the day.

    I appreciate the help. Stay warm, and we will keep the feeding up!

  8. I started buying only safflower seed a few years ago; the squirrels & blackbirds, cowbirds don't like it, but the songbirds all do! It's a bit more expensive, but I actually save $, as I don't go through nearly as much feed. Make sure suet is in an enclosed cage (Tractor Supply sells them), & soon you'll have all the woodpeckers & songbirds but none of the blackbirds that bring hundreds of their friends.

  9. how much wood, would a woodcock cock, if a woodcock could cock wood ?

  10. A large mouse was in my home yesterday.I started to set a trap to catch it but then the darndest thing happened.It darted out from behind my kitchen stove & my wife noticed it had a little tiny sweater on.The last thing we want to do is kill someones pet,so hopefully it will recognize poverty and go home.


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